Page 159 - chs-1998
P. 159


                                                       BASICS PA V OFF

                                                                            di   p-  Trawick and Huffman agreed that
                                                    "Euen though the     pointtng  b  ating Orange Park w   the be  t
                                                                         I o    to   m  m  I) of the  ea on, be  au  e the)  beat
                                                  players lost a  lot of             olumbia Ia  t . ear and bro  e a .tO game
                                                                          uw an nee
                                                                                    winnmg  treak. "We wanted to pay them
                                                                         wa  the only
                                                    teamates to uar-                b  ~.:k, and we did it. 36-0!" Trawic  felt
                                                                         flaw  in  an   that Jack Huffm  n helped htm the mo  t.
                                                     s1ty,  they still   otherw i  e   "He rea II.  in-.pired me and there  t of the
                                                                         perfect  ca-  team.'' Huffman felt that hi  game
                                                    pulled together      on  for  the   again  t Palatka wa  hi  be  t.  He had hi
                                                                                    highe  t percentaoe a\ erage m pa  ing
                                                                         Junior   ar-
                                                   with a  7- 1 record."            and threw  three touchdll\\ n pa  e  .
                                                                         sity F  otball
                                                                                     . 1att T. re, right tackle and  1r  t year
                                                   Coach  Donme  Harnson   t  e  a  m  .   player for the Tiger  al  o agree  that
                                                                         Donnie  Orange Park w   the be  t _arne of the
                                                                         Harri  on   ea on. Hi  rea  on w a  th  t  ince the
                                                   ened a  head and quarterb  ck co  ch. Jake   Raider  had broken their .tO game
                                                                                    winning  tre   Ia  t) ear, the bo)  had to
                                                  Traw i  , t  nth  grade hac  up quarterb  c k,
                                                                                    come out  trong and be read.  for
                                                   aid. "Co  ~h Harri  on reall)  pu  hcd u  to
                                                                                    re\ enge, and that i  exact))  v. hat the)
                                                  fill  in  the  pot  when defen  e wa  ha\ ing a   did. T)re  a)  of Harri  on,"Co  ch
                                                  bad oamc." Jack Huffman, tenth grade  tart-  H  rri  on i  a good man, he i  the rea  on
                                                  ing  quarterback,   id  "Theordrick  I c  me out, and he h  rcall)  taught me a
                                                  Ri  hard  on wa  the mo  t helpful to me be-  lot."
                                                                                     The J. V. Tiger  h  d a great  cason with
                                                  cau  e C\Cn  though we were in   me tough
                                                                                    onl)  nine injurie  • and eight returning
                                                   uuauon  he  ne\ er ga\ c  up.  That"  \\hat
                                                                                    after injurie  . Good luck ne  t )ear.
                                                  kept pu  hing me to v. in."
                                                                                               You  De  ene  a  Break  To-
                                                                                               d  \ . Coach Chuc  Mob ey and
                                                                                               Tramer Jeff  Lurue  chec  over
                                                                                               the  Tcgers  to  ma  e sure there
                                                                                               are  no  mJunes  and  no  one  cs

                                                 Defen   turn'em  around,
                                                 Purple and  Gold take'em
                                                 donn. As the Tcgers tac  lethe
                                                 Orange Park offenscve linemen,
                                                  Reggre  Mullins  and  DeShawn
                                                 Byrd cheer on the team.

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