Page 181 - chs-1998
P. 181
Tiger's Recover
Dunng the thud quarter
Boll t e th ball from
C.olumbJa,andth lige run
do'll.n court to try nd regam
ontrol of the game E\en
th u h th T1ger' "'ere d -
f ted by Bolle' , they
played 'll.lth a lot of heart-
Young, Determined, and Full of Fire ...
''Goal'' Oriented
Slow Start does not a Season Make
or the player • coache , and fan of
theTi!!er the ea n'"a amthing
Fbut dull In m t of the game the
outcome '"a not decided until the
final horn. The Tiger's game al-
'"a) kept the fan on the edge of
their eat .
The Tiger '"ere a team that had to
fill lot of pot v. ith ine pcrienced
player . Ithough they '"ere young
t'le gotalotofleader hipfromtheir
t.. r . The Ti!!er '"ere led b\ re-
u ing player Terry Ro • in,
D nnie Burton. \'ari(ln Cupp k.
The i Ro in. and \I\ e ter
Collin , but t:\eral young player
( buted thr ughout the ea on.
t.. or The i Ro in led the team
n (Oring. rebounding. and in
blocked hot . '"hile \'arion
Coppock led the tt:am in field goal
percentage hey ond the n.: h. The ad-
dition of Junior tran fer Tra\ i
White ga' e the team orne needed
trength and '"a a three point threat
a. '"ell. The team had po'" erful con-
tribution from other player in e\-
ery a pel.:! of the game .
.. It' been a y eandth man) up and
do'" ns but alt0gether it ha been a
great ride. I f~.:el ''e ha\e impro,ed
greatly throughout the y e r and '"e
reall) be~am ·J er team. Thi
\ear· team\\ ould definite!\ he he. t
de t:ribed a one of tho e pecial
team that come alon_ e\ er once
and a v. hi! e.'' a d a ;1 R) n.