Page 182 - chs-1998
P. 182


             a team "

                                  Columbia High Girl's Basketball team has im-  footsteps of the  ootball team. "   lonn as the
                                proved  tremendou  ly  from  the  96-97  ea  on.  ladi  s stay fo  u  ed on being dominant player
                                breaking many of  olumbia Girl'  records. The  and winning game by game. the  ""ill be  uc-
                                mo  t Impressive being this  eason is  the fir-,t  20  cessful," says  oach  .. Wil  on.
                                wm  ea  on for girl  in  the  hi  tory of  H   Jnd   Adding to the records. the Lady Tigers reached
                                th1  1.  the first team of boys or girls to beat RibJult.  their 20 win  ea  on on Thur day  January  22.
                                  Talking  with  other  players.  "We'\e  come  a  199  . hosting Jackson High  chool. The Tiger
                                long way as a team. we've become closer on and  ha\e been successful. havmg Jn undefeated
                                off the court, and mo  t of all  e 're more mentally  home record so far.  In  the later part of the
                                and physically  tronger, and have learned to play  season the Ladies were in for a surprise by
                                smart. aggre  sive defen  e!" say   ndrea Lee. The  playing Va]d('Sta High in   eor~ia. The Tigers
                                beginning of the  eason was a learning period for  came up  hort pu  hing for time in  the fourth
                                the ladies, now following in the footsteps of the   quarter 58-47. The Lady Tigers dropped their

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