Page 197 - chs-1998
P. 197
teven Bedenbau h 1 he
chool w1de m tch m the
ym The e guy alway
u to ther and help e h
other out compeuuon
t is what Columbia High is all about!
t umament a mo tl) a t Will certa•nly
learmng e peri nee and l help you out with
orne mat time too." a) th1ngs to come
te\en Coli zo about the later 1n l1 e It teaches you to work
well w1th others, to d1splay good
tournament. 1o t of the
sportsmanship, and to respect others
w re tie that wTe tkd m th
1n their deas10ns and optn1011s. Those
tournament had ne\ er
are all quallt•es everyone IS go•ng to
wTe tied m a h1gh chool need as t1me goes by I would also
toum m nt before and d1d 1 etothan CoachShoupandCoach
pretty ood. The team i Kmghorn for allowmg me to be a
) oung with a lot of fir t) ear part of the CHS Wrestl•ng team. It
re tier butt I · edomga has been an honor to wor WJth my
team mates and coaches
greatj b Co t'l • JP nd
Coach Km!! n a ·e the
m in re n the team i doing o well The \\Te tier'
rc rcall) II} ing hard to mak.e them ch e better b)
practK , rd and really pa) mg ttentJon to the
Co che 1 \CD Collazo a) , "• 'e t )Car \\ill beth
) c r t~t L tling te m \\ill do \\ eiiT becau JU t
hout e\er one \\111 h \C e perc tc nd a lot ofm t
urn~:." Th nl.. 0 \>e out to Co t h• up nd C h
Kmghom for rna mg tht )C r 1tm,..
Steven Collazo
en fun ."
Wrest ng, 193