Page 198 - chs-1998
P. 198

one  ntrate!  c;,  L' ~   )tL  o"              nd J  ff
                                     Abhott  ~:one~  r"  L  on  ht   It  to   pnm   ample of'' hat II
                                     m, kt:   ur~ it  ., clean  to  et  a ne\\
                                     pt:r  on  I rt:cord.         take  to he a tc  m m \\Cighthftm  , on
                                                                  to hft and on  to  pot.

                  Look fon~ ard! Con  entratmg on Coa  h
                  K  n Srud  r to gtve htm the MDown"  tgnal,
                  Henry   rruel  gt\e  tt  II  he  h  to help hi
                  team  m the meet

                  Girl  Power!   Teammates,  Travts
                  Callum and QUinton Callum thtn  that tt ts
                  really  good to  finally  have a  g1rl  on the
                  we1ghtliftmg team. Ashant1 Wash1ngton IS
                  so good that she really deserves all  the
                  attentton she rece1ves.

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