Page 198 - chs-1998
P. 198
one ntrate! c;, L' ~ )tL o" nd J ff
Abhott ~:one~ r" L on ht It to pnm ample of'' hat II
m, kt: ur~ it ., clean to et a ne\\
pt:r on I rt:cord. take to he a tc m m \\Cighthftm , on
to hft and on to pot.
Look fon~ ard! Con entratmg on Coa h
K n Srud r to gtve htm the MDown" tgnal,
Henry rruel gt\e tt II he h to help hi
team m the meet
Girl Power! Teammates, Travts
Callum and QUinton Callum thtn that tt ts
really good to finally have a g1rl on the
we1ghtliftmg team. Ashant1 Wash1ngton IS
so good that she really deserves all the
attentton she rece1ves.
194 Weightlift•ng