Page 77 - chs-1998
P. 77



                                                      Internet  cce  is important to teacher  and  tudent

                                                                  he  outh   ampus  library  ha  moved  ahead  into  the
                                                              techn  logy age\\. ith the addition ofaDi  tance Learning Center
                                                              and wiring the campu  for the Internet.  The librar  will add a
                                                              cable  y  tern  that  \\.ill  bring  them  level  \\. ith  the  televi  ion
                                                              acce  .  that the  orth campus ha  enjoyed   tudent  \\.ho got
                                                              a  taste  of T   production  at  the  ninth  grade  'Will  be  able  to
                                                              expand their kno\\.ledge with the ne\\.' technology a\ ail able at
                                                              the  outh. The  orth campu  ha  led
                                                              the  \\ay  \\.ith  their  commitment  to
                                       technology  in every cia  room and the  outh  pent the better
                                       part of 97-9  trying to catch up  to the  succe  .  that the  ninth
                                       grade \\a.  able to achieve in a \ery short period of time.   ith
                                       the  ne\\.   on·ell  network..  tudent  and  taff \\.ill  be  able  to
                                       acce  the ule  erver for the Library  ard Catalog. magazmes.
                                       and  h.1ke  pcare from the cla  room. The  orth campu  ha.
                                       \\. ork.ed \ ery  hard to u  e their equipment and technology to the
                                                             rna. imum and the  outh campu  \\.Ill
                                                              urely  follow.  Teacher  like Carol Martin ( above left) have
                                                             been pioneer  in computer literacy.  Mr. Dye   ouey ( right)
                                                             will be one of the teacher  \\ ho \\ill begin doing their grade  on
                                                               omputer\\.ith the program called "Cla   1a ter"  \1r  . Linda
                                                             Taylor (left) u. e  the computer on a daily  ba. 1  to help locate
                                                              tudents. acce  s schedules. and design the daily bulletin. Every
                                                             teacher on both campuse  \\Ill be directly influenced by CH
                                                             que  t to get up to par In the t  hnology department.

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