Page 78 - chs-1998
P. 78

Teachang Physacs IS  no problem for Mr  Ken  Stark
                                             Foreagn exchange student,Yu Yamamon couldn't
                                             agree more

                          Debra\\ nght, Da  n  'ic  ~nee
                      Da  ne \ azedJtan, Fo  tg  L

       P.E. coach,BIII  Bamett,1s tradttaonally  known for
        eanng a purple sh1rt aga1nst a purple wall. Some
       people even call ham  Coach Barney-ette!  Gettang
       ready for Basketball season keeps ham  busy.

        \\hat  th  n  xt mo\  ."   a  onfu  d  1r  Dalmore" Th
        tud  nt  aren t the  nl) on  that can dan  e'

                                              Why am I weanng these goofy googles? ," asks Pete
                                              Spurloc  , School Resource Officer. Sorry Pete,
                                              there's no pool at fteld day!  Sgt. Spurlock continually
                                              demonstrates hts Tager Spirit

        Faculty  74
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