Page 79 - chs-1998
P. 79

Mr. Terry Huddleston has been the pnncrpal for four
                                                                                 years at CHS.  Dunng thrs trme he has overseen
                                                                                 many changes and rmprovements.  The School
                                                                                 Advrsory Committee has had the benefit of his
                                                                                 leadershrp rn lmplementrng new strateg1es to solve
                                                                                 problems  He has also made many rmprovemnts to
                                                                                 the physrcal plant as well as hrnng a number of ne
                                                                                 faculty  Pnnrcrpal Huddleston  s assrsted by Mr. Will
                                                                                 Calsam, Mrs. Joann Chamberlin, Mrs. Garl Crowder,
                                                                                 Mr. Ke1th  Hatcher.and Mr. R1chard  Romme

                                                                                 The Ninth grade center has  mproveo 1n appearance
                                                                                 so much over the past few years.  Many people credrt
                                                                                 the leadersh1p of Mrs  Joann Chamberlin and Mr
                                                                                 Keith Hatcher for all the Improvements. The Ninth
                                                                                 grade rs  a very umque campus because rt  IS part of
                                                                                the famrly of CHS but has a drfferenct locatron.
                                                                                The Columbia County School Board meets twice per
                                                                                month to solve problems that mrght anse rn the school
                                                                                system.  Mr. Mrchael Flanagan leads the Board as
                                                                                Supenntendent  Front: Mr  M1chael Flanagan, Back:
                                                                                Harvey Campbell, Glenn Hunter, Kerth  Hudson. Tony
                                                                                Buzzella, and Archard Anders.

                                                                                                            Facult)  75
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