Page 82 - chs-1998
P. 82
uro . -chang
fortune cookie
chance of a lifetime happened for a luc y Columh1a Htgh
tudent \\hen he \\On a cholar hip to go to Jap n for the ummer
of 1997. Beau C rd r \\a th t lucky per on! But, fir t Be,tu had
to ta e a era h cour e an Japane e 101 for three da) at tanford
Umver it) tn lifornia. Then it wa off to \1at uyama to meet
ht ho t famtly the Goda . Beau wa home ic for the fir two
\\ eek but oon dju ted. Beau be arne an Engh h tea h r for ht
ho t famtly a w II a for a hool. One of the highlight ofht tnp
\\ vi iting omura ilk mu eum and Hiro him a· Pea e \1 mo-
rial 1u cum .. mging Karoke and Glo\\-tn-the-dark bowhng 1 a
favorite pa tllme in Japan. "I can t ing. but they ct d hJ..:e I wa Mapl Leaf ang
Mariah Carey," Beau a1d H1 untquen made h1m quite a hit
in tht more re crved culture. When th time arne to I \ e It
became diffi ult. Beau made hi final goodbye and board d h1
plane. ayonam! Carderva ' wathha J
0 Be
La ucaracha, Ia cucaracha
\\ hlle 1 C ua for a I I conferc1 • the
ummer. Je n had 10 go ov r th border to
get a cl er ghmp of 1e 1 o \'v'h t wmd ch1me 1