Page 199 - chs-2001
P. 199

The Varsity Basketball Women ...

                                                    Bringing on the heat, making
                                                    others Retreat ! ! ! ! ! ! !

                                                           00             g  0                 e         a

                             he Lad  Tiger Basketball team has done much   the  ea  on  a  been a  ery po  itive  ea  n. Thi
                           h  tter than  man  had  exp  cted. With  orne  n  ~   ea  on ha  b  en a  ea. on for learning, I ha  e had
                           play  ,  orne old plays, and much practice, the Lady   to  learn the  player  and  they ha  e had to ]earn
                           Tiger  have managed to keep their heads up  their   both m  and a little more ab  ut the game."   he
                           feet  on (and  ometime  oft) the  flo  r to de  tro   went on to  a  that  he has enjoyed wor ·ing with
                           th  ir  opponents. Halfwa  through the  ea on the   th  team and that the team i.  full of young ladie
                           Lady  Tig  rs  were  12-7.   o  matter  what  the   who enjoy doing what they do  and want to go
                             orchoard said ,th  Lad  Tiger  fought like it wa   omewhere  in  li  e.  Head  o  ch  C.C.   i1  on
                           their Ia  t chance to  how their game.         aid, "The . ea  n ha  g  ne fairly well for the team
                             Th  Lad  Tiger     p  nt  man  long  hour  in   to not have man  Var  ity e  perienced player  on
                           pra  tice,                                    it."
                               oach  .  . Wil  on would pu  h the girl  to do   A  for the team  the  k  pt trying in all  that
                           their  be  t.  to  run  their  fa  te  t,  while  he  alway   they did and  improved them  elve  each da  in
                           en  ouragcd teamwork.                         pr  tice and in the game. The Lady Tiger  have
                             E\ ery  practice  wa  hard  and  long  .but  C\ ery   worked hard in trying to improve their game a
                                                                         well  a  their  attitude  .  In  pra  tice  there  wer
                           practice \\a  go  d.
                             The  oirl  have tried.  pa  . ed, and  uc  e  d  d  in   alway  drill  that they would to run and play  they
                           what the  wanted to get a  compli  hed.       would  to  pla  but  the  effort and  teamwork  L
                                 i  tant  oa  h  hav.·ana  mtth.  aid, "I think   what  helped  them  to  make  it  through.  C  a  h
                                                                         Wil  on  al  o  agree  in  the  a  ing  that  the  girl
                           The Var ity (.Irl   ami    the  hain!
                                                                         have more team~ ork than 'T." or  1.e ·  " on the
                           B  I  w  -R:1) N   .a Whtgam, Enca Mayo, Anel Wal  er,
                           Marqurta Cray, and Robyn M1ze le               team. HO\\ ever. to the Ladie  . the  a  on ha  b  en
                           2) Coach C. C, W1lson, Ttffany Flemmg. Ashe y Croft, Anel   great. but it could alway  be b  tter.
                           Collms, Vane  a Sc1pp1o, and Asststant Coach Shawana

                                                                                     oaching our t  am to th  top

                                                                                    A  v  : Marqurta Cray contemplates what
                                                                                    the next move wtll be
                                                                                    L  : Ass1stant Coach, Sha  ana Smtth,
                                                                                    tal  s to the team about winnmg plays.

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