Page 204 - chs-2001
P. 204

Boy  Tenni  Team

              wing into  ction

                 The  Boys Tennis Team       "The  team   is  about
          has several new faces.  Coach   un1ty  and  teamwork.  That  Is
          Sean Adams describes this as a   what the game is all about, and
          "rebuilding year." The new team   we  have mastered those skills.
          hopes  to  exceed  his  expecta-  We're in the game, not to wm or
          tions. They won their first seven   lose, but to have fun, and if we
          matches.                    win while doing that, then that is
                 With the loss of most of   even  better,"  commented
          the  top  five  players  from  last   Shukla  and  Suresh.  The  new
          year,  they  have  come  back   courts  and  pavillion  are  an
          strong. Gordon Elhs, a Junior, is   added  incentive  for  their  suc-
          playmg in the number one posi-  cess. Coach  Halliday  has  also
          tion.                       used many of her coaching and
            Freshmen Rona  Shukla and   cheerleading  skills  to  keep  the
          Deepak  Suresh  have  stepped   team focused and on task.
          up  to  fill  the  void  left  by  last   Rain  dev1led  the  team  on
          year's players.  "The team has   several  occassions,  but  they
          had a strong past and I think that   swept off the courts and  ept on
          they will have the same future,"   proving that this season has as
          says Coach Adams.           much  dedication  as  any

        2  , Boy'  Var ity 'I enni
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