Page 202 - chs-2001
P. 202
V rsifii Softb 11
i?our time to shinei?
Below: Senior Keri King prepares her m nd for Below: Sarah Little
the game ahead. Ken was offerd a scholarship and Lyndsay Reese
w1th LCCC and is sure to ma e a b1g mpact on ta e a d ep breath
the1r team as wei\ as the T1gers. before they go to the
batt1ng cages.
Above: Nico e Brush (s1tt1ng) helps
Broo s Bart get ready for the game
ahead. The Tigers practice
power hitting .
Ace pitcher Allsha Phillips has
been a dnvmg force on the
succssful Varsity earn. Return1ng
Coach Mary Hale has been
pleased w1th the ded1cat1on and
hard wor of all of her players and
the start of the season held a lot of
hope w1th Philip's p1tch1ng and her
ab1lity to shut down the competi-
tion. The open1ng of the season
saw the T1gers at 12-3 overall and
3-1 in Distnct play. Sen1or Sarah
L1ttle sa1d, "I th1n we are go1ng to
do really well n D stncts and Coach
Beasley has been a great asset to Above: Top Row (L-A) Cass1e Williams, V ctona Masters, Beth Payne, Roz Tyre, Allsha Ph1ll1ps, Ashley
the team." Damels, N1co e Brush, Brandl Decour. Bottom Row (L-A) Ken King, Lyndsay Reese, Rachel Tyre, Sarah Little.
Not Prctured: Mary Hale, head coach and Frank Beasley, assistant coach.
198, Varsity Softball