Page 143 - chs-2002
P. 143
Senior captain Kara Hunter teaches the
Buchholz girls a lasting lesson with her
spectacular spike over the net. Great
leadership on a team always bnngs suc-
cess; Kara and the other seniors helped
the Lady Tigers have a winning season.
Leadership 1 Being a captain
of a team brings much responsibility.
However, these drum majors and cap-
tains know how to handle the pressure.
Senior leaders: Stephanie Jones,Band,
Britnee Skinner, Cheerleader, Kennon
Hunter, Football, Dustin Mobley, Band,
Susan Sawyer, Tigerettes, and Josh
Navarro, Band.
V Cheerleading Junior Varsity
cheerleaders know what it takes to suc-
ceed -- Tiger Spirit! They are proud to
show off the many trophies they were
awarded after successful performances
at camp.
Introduction 141