Page 145 - chs-2002
P. 145
Above: Eric Thoma'> leads the way for Greg Arline on a 15 Above: enior Kennon Hunter comes off the field for a break,
yard run to the left side against the Cane's defense. to discuss the previous play with Coach Dotson. Great
leadershtp and coachtng lead the Tigers to a winnmg season.
At left: The 21Xl1·21Ml2 Columb1a H1gh School Var.lly 1-lghung Tiger\. I" row: Chad M<x>re. Chm Robert,, Andre Copeland. Manager Enc Hall. Ale< Car.v.ell.
Ja~m Hmi\flR, Jermame Sheppard. Theo M.tdt\On. and Chri.., Jvn.l.m. 2nd row: Lltma Fcnlldl, Tra\li Murphy. Dernck J<luellen. tephen Wart!. Brent William\,
Du\Un Gr.Wdy, 0 T. Wii\On, Eric Huffman. Chn' Phllhp"', Laja\ier Baker, Lavon Robmwt Greg Arhne. Terell Gnffin. Dame! Jenkm'\. Au\Un John,on. Mtke
Terrell, and Brandon Allen. :\rd row: Jame\ Brinlley. Jo\h Lee. Kyle Dtd.\, Coach Denm' Dot,on. (()3(;h Rtcl.. Btcknell. Coii~.:h Tony Jonc\, Coach Frank Bea,Jey. Above: Thoma. Olmsted lo.icks a 27 yard field goal again t
Head Coach Danny c;,..,cn. Coach Billy Young, Coach Donme Ham\on, Coach Burt Robert-on. Coach Roger l.11tle. Ct>ach Joey O'Neal. Coach AI 'chon. Coach
Charle' Mobley. Coach Chad Mobley. Larry l·ulton, and Clifford Magby 4th row: Mar4ui' Marshall. Carlton Tun" I· M1chacl Allison. Ant wan Underwood. Sam the Buchholz Htgh Bobcats.
King, Jenlme Gth,on s,ott Ptnkham, Em: ThontJ\. Damel Robert.\, Thoma.\ Olm..,ted. BrtX>k Rohmwn. Vm~e Andcl"on. Jo,h H1ll. Manm Jone . AniJUan Cam•el.
Mll'had Perry. ()u,un King, Vernon Ma..,tel'\ and Kennon Hunter
Above: The Tiger defense held tight in the game against Above: All the seniors gather in the endzone for a quick pic-
Buchhol7. The offense struggled early on some hard ture after their big win over Godby in the Homecoming game.
1 1its. Greg Arline tries to keep the drive alive. The final score was 31-10.
V ar ity Football 143