Page 148 - chs-2002
P. 148
R1ght : Front Row Lt Tracey Harns Co-Cap .
Rach I Ed nf1eld, Capt. Susan Sawyer Co-Capt.
J ss1ca Egan, Lt Tcgan Tyler 1_dd e Ro :
Ashley Kmg, Lasheka Tucker, Enca Levy, Jo i
Boggs, Jami Thomas, Sara Prevatt. Sac Ro :
Alisha Cason, Ken Southall, Lmdsey Lawrence,
Casey Snowden, Kelly Rosenfeld, Grace Huang.
This past summer the Vars ty T gerettes attended a at1onal
Alliance (NDA) camp at the Univers y of Sou h Flor da 1n Tampa. T ey received
supenor rat1ng and a frst pace trophy for he1r home routine. They a so rece ved
bid to attend Nat ona Compet ton lndiVIdua awards were also g ven out
dancers who projected 1n a areas of dance Twe ve out o seventee Vars1t
members were A -Amencan om nees. hey were: A sha Cason Rach
Edenfield, Jess1ca Egan, Tracey Harr·s. As ley K ng L ndsey La renee Er c
Levy, Sara Prevatt, Susan Sawyer Casct Snowden. ashcka T ckcr and T
Tyler. Susan,Tegan, Alisha and L ndsey were se1ected as AI-Americans. In
spnng, the T1gere tes plan to attened he DA na onals n Or ando Flori
These g1rls work very hard year round to prepare for compe 1on
Above and R1 ht: The Vars1ty Tigerettes enjoyed
rna 1ng many memones at dance camp this past
s mmer.
4 ar ity igcr tt s