Page 150 - chs-2002
P. 150
Net Force: Determination and Talent
Everything eem to b new about defen i e peciali t; Becca Bu, b}.
the Lady Tiger Volleyball team-- new defen i e peciali t; and Brandi
coache and new player . Thi year ' DuCoeur, middle hitter.
coache are Bryan Stone, head coach, Hanna Turman, right ide hitter:
and April Bay, a i tant coach. Dianna Robert , middle hitter;
The enior are Jennifer Be t, cap- Kri tin Elton, middle hitter are ,,,Vl~"v'-•
tain and tter; Kara Hunter, out ide more.
hitter; and Cas ie William , out ide The var ity volleyball team loo
hitter. The game at Orange Park, dedi- trong and ha the drive to work
cated to the enior , wa a tremendou They are all pa ion ate about the
win. Ca ie, Kara, and Jennifer, ex- and put their heart into every
tended their winning treak at Orange The team ha had a great ea. o
Park, playing hard and tepping out thank to their determination and ta
a the leader of the team ent.
The junior are Kry tal Simmon , Kri tin Elton
Abo~e : A powerful 'Pike is definitely an a!ooset in volleyball.
Kara demon'>trate!oo her talent\ by 'Piking the ball down hard.
Right: The team come together to celebrate an important ~ 1 -
tory m the ante Fe tournament.
Above: Kara Hunter hits the floor to paS!oo to Jenmfer Be'>t. Above: The team congratulates one another on a job
done with high five' and plenty of '>miles.
148 VaL ity Volleyball