Page 152 - chs-2002
P. 152
News Flash!!!!
A fter a review of the quesltonable initial results the T1gers
moved up from th1rd place to runner up Jn the Class 2A state
meet at the Ed Radice Sports Complex in Tampa on Saturday,
November 17, 2001 . Head coach DavJd Halliday said "I
couldn't be more proud," as he was frantically f1guring out how
to noltfy the boys after he rec1eved the revised standings on
Sunday night. In the revision. Columbia JUmped over season-
long nemes1s Ridgeview High, which had won district and
regional meets over the Tigers. Columbia ended up w1th 139
points over RJdgvJew's 149. Flagler Palm Coast High won the
championship With 62 points. Robert Cooper led the rJgers
with a t1me of 16:18.79 and placed 13th 1n the team standings
and 17th overall. The other T1gers placed, Marcus Marsr1all
(25/33) 16:46 10, Phill1p Daniels (32/42) 16:54 09, Jesse James
(33/43) 16.54.98, Dusty Sm1th (36/49) 16:59 93, Cody Brill
(68185) 17:29.38 and Matt Cumm1ngs {144/164) 19 00.73. The
2001 Boys Cross Country fell one place short of the goal that
they had set for themselves since early summer. However,
they were still first in one aspect, they are the first cross
country team n the history of Columbia High School to
participate as a team 1n the state meet and they placed 2nd .
To row: Rodney Jones, Garrett Osbourne, Cody Brill, Paterick Carter, Stephen Rassel,
Dusty Smith, Marcus Marshall, Randal Paris, Daniel Curry, Kevin Brill, Mr. Halliday
Bottom:Cody Bars, Avery Kelsey, Jesse James, Robert Cooper, Matt Cumrnings,
Jacob Johnson
Bight The cross country team energetically
start another timed trial practice. Always
running, never stopping!
150 Cro Country