Page 157 - chs-2002
P. 157
Girls golf team
swings their w to VICTORY
Above: A\ a fiN year golf coach Ms. Silvcr-.tcm Intends on
taking this team to Regionals. Last year she \~as a successful
soccer coach and Will now put her\kilb to U'>C forthc golf team
Above left: Whipping the u~anee Bulldogs prmed to be no
problem for the Lady tigers. Amy Hizer and Liz Free celebrate
the easy win.
Left: Aftertheir fir t \ictory.the team ~entto Beef-o-Bradys
to celebrate. my Hizer. Liz Free. Kelly Francis. and A-.hley
Ryals are not only golfer but abo good friend'>.
The Lady Tiger golf team had a succesfull
season. They came in first place at
Districts with Kelly Francis and Ashley
Ryals coming in co-medalist. The Lady
Tigers took home three ribbons this year;
Kelly Francis brought home 1st place,
Ashley Ryals bought home 2nd place, and
Liz Free bought home 6th place. The
Lady Tigers then went on to place third at
Regionals where Ashley Ryals bought
home the 3rd place ribbon. The top golf-
ers had a lot of fun completing one of the
best seasons the girls golf team has ever
had. Next year will see even more suc-
Above: Although, it i~ hanl to believe. these girb are planning how they are going to shoot their next shot. Kelly and A-,hley
arc the two top players on the team.
GirL Var ity G If 155