Page 159 - chs-2002
P. 159
Teeing it high
and letting it
fly 1n 2002
The Columbia High Boy Golf team fini hed with a 24-14
record. The team wa led by Coach Steve Smithy. The year
tarted off lowly for the team, but the Tiger fini hed trong,
with a third place at District and a good bowing at the Regional
competition. According to Coach Smithy, the team did better
than he thought they would. Behind the leader hip of the Senior
the golf team continued the tradition et by the golf team of the
pa t." The high point of the ea on wa doing good in Di trict
when everyone counted us out'' according to Brandon Harri ."
Chip Stevens said "even though the team did not win some of the
matche they still were able to have a winning ea on and did
good at Di trict .Senior Andrew Robin on aid, " I am glad that
our team did good in District , but I wi h that we could have had
a better bowing at Regionals. I am glad that I got to play on the
golf team all 4 year of high chool."
Andrew Varsity Schedule
Robinson Coach's Report
<;hows great August
determina- 21 Middleburg According to Coach Steve
tion after 23 Clay Smithy "the bo golf team
hooting a 79 30 anta Fe
at the September tarted off the first part of the
Regional 4 Gainesville year slow, but improved a the
Tournament II Suwanee season went along. The team
at Panama 13 Bi hop Kenny
City Country 20 Buchholz had it's peak at the District
Club. 24 Lafayette tournament becau e of the play
October of the enior . Overall, I feel
I Bradford this was a very successful ea-
4 Lake Weir
II uwanee on."
22-23 Di tricts
1-2 Regionals
Boy · Golf 157