Page 162 - chs-2002
P. 162

Below: Goal  keeper. Thoma~ Olm~ted. make~ a great
            ave by punching the ball over the cro'>sbar.

           Right:  enior captain  ddie "Pope" Turner fight.  for
           the ball against two opponents.

                               CH   occer  chedule
           November 15th  P.K. Young        Di  trict Tournament
                  16th   Orange Park        1/28/02-2/l/02 at Home
                  17th   Ocala Forest
                  20th   Taylor County
                  21  t   Eastside
                  27th   Lincoln
                  29th   Suwannee
                  30th   Bi  hop Kenny
           December  4th   Leon
                  6th   Clay
                  7th   Ridgeview
                  lOth   uwannee
                  12th   Lincoln                                  Above:  Preston  Coleman  pushe  the  ball
                  14th   P.K. Young                               down the field a  opponents clo  e in.
                  20-22   Puma Tournament
           January 7th   Buchholz                                 Right:  After  scoring  a  goal,  senior,  colt
                  II th   Orange Park                             Bu  by, celebrate  with his fellow teammates.
                  12th   JV Tournament
                  15th   Leon
                  17th   Ridgeview
                  18th   Clay
                  22nd   Taylor County

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