Page 230 - chs-2002
P. 230

On  eptember 11 , 200 I , two   Above:  Tamanay Gordon. Truvonna  cw
                                                                   ton,  hanele Genus. Bacari Mayo. and Crys-
                                      plane  era  hed into the World
                                                                   tal Cray take  time  out  at  field  day  to  show
                                      Trade  Center  in  New  York   their CHS and American pride.
                                      City.  Additionally, one plane
                  ((We pledge         flew  into  the  Pentagon  in  accepted, a.  well  a  monetary
                                      Wa  hington, D.C, and yet an- donation  .  Organizations  ev-
              allegiance to our  other  one  era  hed  out  ide  of  erywhere  et up  special  funds
                  flag of the         Pitt  burg, Penn  ylvania.  All of  to  raise  money for the "9/ II "
                                      the  e horrible event  were the  event.  Familie  of victim  and
               United States of  re  ult  of  terrori  t  attacks.   urvivors  received  help  and
              America, and to         The e event  affected not only  support from  local,  state,  and
                                      the United State  , but al  o the  our  national  government,  a.
                 the Republic,        world.  Fire fighter  , police of-  well a  bu  ine .. e  and commu-
                 for which it         ficer  ,  re ~ cue worker  ,  and  ni tie  .  Patrioti  m  in  our great
                                      many other individual  ri  ked  nation has  oared!  American
             stands, one nation  their live  in effort  to  ave the  are banning together in  upport
                  under God,          thou  and  of worker. that were  of liberty and freedom and the
                                      at the World Trade Center that  fight  again  t  terrori  m.  Red,
               indivisible, with  day. Thou  and  lo  ttheir live   white, and blue ha. colored our
             liberty and justice      in  the  attack  ,  including  the  nation'  map and the heart  of
                                      pas  enger  on  all  four  fateful  all  American  citizens  of all  Above: Through all  of the terror. our ()t
                   for all!"          flight  .                    age .                       of Liberty stands firrn. symoblizing pcac~ a
                                                                                               freedom.  Chorus student Dawn John..,on cap-
                                          A.  the  nation  and  world   The event  of September  tured thi..,  photograph on a tnp to !\lew Yurli
                                      mourned  day  ,  week  ,  and  I I th  will  be  remembered for-  last year.
                                      month. after the tragedy, relief  ever, but with prayer and  up-
                                      effort  began  immediately.  port,  the  wounds  shall  be
                                      Blood donation  were eagerly  healed.

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