Page 234 - chs-2002
P. 234
CHS Band ...
Straight Superior
Band Camp, football game~. Parker High chool and the band
marching rehear al, parade , contest, made an overall excellent. However
concert. , concert rehear~al... The. e the very next week the band hosted
arc just a few of the things that keep the district Florida Bandmasters
the band bu ·y throughout the year. A. sociation (FBA) contest and
This year the fact the school started received a straight superior. The
tv>vo weeks earlier did nothing but band was as well in ited to London to
help the band. With rehear al every preform but due to the eptember II
Monday, Tue day and Thursday, cri is that trip was forced to be
added rehear al on Wednesday in canceled. The fact that football
0 tober and a game on Friday, the . cason ended for the band just meant
band is con tantly busy in concert :cason wa starting. The
preparation for the 200 I halftime band held a Christma. concert and in
show. The halftime show this year February had a pre-contest concert
con. isted of music from the band and a spring concert in May as well as
TYX and included the songs Mr. attend the FBA concert festival at
Roboto, .D. 1928/Rockin the Gainesville High School. "The band
Paradise, Borderline, and The Best of has done exceptionally well this year
Time .. They attended two contest in every aspect." Said Mr. Adkins
thi. year the first one was at Terry Band Director
Far Right: Who \a}' you have to make friend' -Amanda Greene
~ith JU 1 }Our ection') Brian'.: iggan,.,. D1ana Feature Editor
Bmden. K}le Wardel, Donald Johnson. and
Patrina Da1ley became friend'> nght from the Far Below Right: The Clan net '>Cellon IS said
tart. ' One of the best things about being m band to have the most fun. Sacory Denson, Porsha
i. you ha\e 150 friend; before your fiN day of E\erell and Angel Markham enJOY making it
high 'chool. Amanda Greene band enior that way.
Above: Onc .. .Two ... Bucklc My Shoe ... i'>
what get; the Columbia Drum Lmc pumped
up before a pre game show at home game. The
\Cry hard ~orking drum hnc put'> in a lot of
extra pmcuce to make '>Urc they are the beo,t
the} can be Daniel Murril. Daniel
\i ebber.Charles Harri;, Allen Cobb, Chn.,
Wilham\, Al\in Fulton, Seth Caner, Clyde
Dougla\, Jo;h Todd,Chri; Harris, Robert
Conncl .Brian HarpcrandChnsBushenJoy
the extra ~ork 11 takes to be the best.
Above: Alnght R1cky even though you have
a while before joining the band it helps to
learn early. Brian Harper teachc; Ricky
Holder what its like to march with pride.
232 Band