Page 232 - chs-2002
P. 232
Right: "All want for hmtma. IS my two front teeth" That's
what these kids tell anta they want when he a\k them.
Right: "Wow' I have never played with thi many car-. at
one ume before!" Thi little child loves to play with toy car,
Maybe anta brought him ome for Christmas.
BeiO\ : Brooke 1clntyre i-. enjoying every minute of
beang at the Chri. tma pany he wonder' where the marker
1s that goe> \\lth cap that this little g1rl has in her hand.
Above: "I want to be an elf when I grow up, Crystal. Do you
think maybe you can get me in good with anta?" ry-.tal
Ballard will do all she can to help her child become an elf.
Right: "It., o great to be able to help so many little kids"
Th1 i the thought that keep-. Beta Club Sponsor Mr,.
Shoup w1IIing to ponsor the HR Chri-.tma-. party every
year Student' Amanda Greene, Apnl oil, and ry'>tal
Town,cnd try to do everythang they can to help Mr\.
Shoup out.
230 HR Christmas Party