Page 240 - chs-2002
P. 240

Brotherlv  and  Sisterlv  Love

         Right:'"Macho, Macho Man'", Jame  Bnnkley want> to be a
         Ma  ho man. Jame  u'e' h1\ brother Chadd a-, pra  tice equip-
         Below:  Who '>aid you have to be a fre-,hman to attend  olum-
         bla High School?  usan Duren's little brother Bryce attends
         the Tiger Tots daycare on  Mondays.  Wednesdays and  Fri-

          Right:  "Am I supposed to  ~ave at the camera,'"  Dominique
          Magby ask  her  i. ter,  Candi  Cunningham? Candi  doesn't
          seem to know either as they check out the rides in the parking

                                               Above: Are these girls as happy a!> they look? Justin Ronsonet   Above:  Freshman Michael Bishop hope!>  he can alway'> de-
                                               and her sister Aimee are tom between class loyalty since Jus-  pend on his big -,i<,ter Megan who is a senior. Does this means
                                               tin is a senior and Aimee is a Sophomore.   class rivalry on the homcfront?

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