Page 238 - chs-2002
P. 238
Live From CHS, It's ...
Teen Talk Live i a tudent A lot of work al o goe on
run and produced talk how that behind the cene . tudent
can be een at lea t one Monday must operate camera , witch to
night per month on Lake City commercial break , and incor-
Community College' local tele- porate a 15-minute high ·chool
vi ion channel. new egment, The Tiger ews.
Paneli t are cho · n b recom- Amy Huddle ton, a behind-the-
mendation from tudent and e- cene member of the crew, re-
lection from taff member . Ho t mark , "It's a lot of hard work
Mike McKee, who i al o an an- and finding the right people to
chor for LCCC' new and event do it i tough. It ure can get
how, read que tion · called in frustrating, but the final product
by tudent to the paneli t who i worth it all."
are then a ked to give their advice
and opinion . The e tudent are Right: Lake City Community
asked to deal with uch i ·sue a College provide the set for the
parent , relation hip , and friend . tudent talk how.
The how ha been a major hit.
Above: Mike McKee checks his
watch and tells the paneli ts they go
on in I 0 minutes. Fadriena Jean,
Keith Spradley, and Aimee Ronsonet
are excited to be on the show.
Right: Ju . tin Ronsonet and Amy
Huddleston work better behind the
scenes. They mu t keep the cam-
eras in check and make sure the
commerciaJ break run on . chedule.
236 Teen Talk Live