Page 237 - chs-2002
P. 237

Left: In order to be on the flag team you have to
                                                                                become friends. Candace Roxby, Karla Pippin  ,
                                                                                Maria  Diaz de  Arce,  Meli  a Capa  o,  Amber
                                                                                Tomlinson, Mandi Clark, Heather Giebeig, and
                                                                                Kerri  oil are friend  forever.

                                                                                Below Right:" Urn ... I don't think we are going
                                                                                to  all  fit  in  the  bathroom  at  the  arne  time,"
                                                                                commented Autumn  ewberry, Maria Diaz de
                                                                                Arce, Charis Jones, and Heather Giebeig.  They
                                                                                prove that the longer you  tay on a charter bu  the
                                                                                crazier you get, as they see just how many girls
                                                                                can cram in a charter bus bathroom.

                                                                                Above: "Can I plea  e ju  t eat my McDonlald  ?"
                                                                                Amber  Tomlinson  i  anxiou  to  eat  her  lunch
                                                                                during flag camp.

                                                                                Left:  "Let'  do  the  can-can  in  our  routine!"
                                                                                Jennifer  \inon, Kerri  oil, Autumn  ewberry,
                                                                                Heather Giebeig, and Maria Diaz de  rce " ork
                                                                                hard to make up the halftime routine.

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