Page 247 - chs-2002
P. 247
The Halls Are
Alive With The
Sound Of Chorus
Office Hierarchy: The Columbia High chool ho-
Carlton Kilpatrick- Director, ral Program ha been ble ed with
Meli a Gavarrette and Dawn many talented vocali t . Each one
John on- Pre ident, hri ti Holder of them add their own special touch
and Mandi Clark and Jonathan to the group' overall ucce s.
Benefield and A hley Jone - Vice The Choral program consists of
President hamber inger , Advanced
Chari Jones- Historian Women' En emble, Men's horus,
andWomen'sChoru .The egroups
participate in two mu ical perfor-
mance a es ments, two concert ,
and put on the widely popular vari-
Left: Womens Ensemble President Mandi ety how Cabaret. Choral tudent
Clark, Chorus Director Mr Kilpatrick, and al o participate in other community
Libranan L1sha ettle enJOY planmng all the performance , All- tate horu ,
activities that chorus partiCipates m. olo, and En emble.
bove: Junior Chnsty Holder is nervous but
confident about her All- tate choru audition.
Above: Why sing when you can just have fun? Chans Jones, Amber Tomlinson, Mr. Kilpatrick, Ashley Jones, Allison Douglas and Mandi
C'lark know how to make Women's Ensemble fun.
horu 245