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P. 252
"Oklahoma!" A Groundbreaking Musical
When "Oklahoma!" opened on March 31. 1943 it ''as a Makes p Her Mmd" and 11 10tends to show just that. Alter Below: Portraying the part of Curly and Laure;.
first 10 the history of mustcal theater. Before the ad,cnt of sniffing the mysterious "Eiixer ofLgypt". Laurey falls asleep
"Oklahoma". mu:ical. \\ere oltcn fri,olous cntena10mcnt. and has a dream ill\oh 10g two men 10 her life the dark. Brian mith and aroline Martin enjoyed e\ery
that conststed of parodte. and sketches w nh songs and dan es brood10g htred hand Judd Fry and the '' holcsome CO\\ bo:r minute of both practice and the performances of
interspersed randomly throughout. ongs were rarely \Hit- Curly McClain. Before "Oklahoma!", dance had nc\er been "Oklahoma!"
ten specifically for a character to sing and songs that became used to let the audtcncc sec into a character's fantasy. 1 he
popular onen appeared in se\eral musicals, regardless of the onginal dan cs by gnes DcMtllc were acclaimed and were
plot recreated in the film \Crsion of the play.
Rtchard Rodgers and Oscar llammerstein 's dectston to "Oklahoma!" ts a talc of romantic triangles, the central
comen the lmle-known play "Green Grow the Ltlac " by Judd-Laurcy-Curly triangle bc10g more dramatic than the
Lynn Rtggs 10to their fir t musical together was unusual from comic triangle of Alt-Anme-\\ ill. These personal dramas arc
the 'cry beginning. Mustcals based on plays were not the played out against the larger backdrops of a territory becom-
nonn and Rodgers and llammerstc10 were challenged to bet- ing a state-a land in transition from free ranges for cowboys
ter integrate the ·ong and dance into the tory of the show. and cattle to fences and farmer·. It is the story of tom piOneer
While the ·ong till make sense out of the context of the people and people '' ho belong to the land and who arc su-
hm,, they arc clearly \Htllen to reflect the senttment and perbly captured 10 words, music. and mo•ement. The play
thoughts of the character for whom they were written. '\ot ''as huge success and ''e hoped e\cryone enjoyed it.
only that, but also aid in the audtence's understanding of the Carlton Kilpanick, Drama Director
character and illuminate the plot.
The dream ballet at the end of Act I is one of the most Below: The entire ca t of "Oklahoma" get to-
interesting element in the show. The ballet is called "Laurcy gether to sing "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning"
to end the play.
Right: tudent Director Je ica Ander on how
cast member and friend , usan Duren and Anna
ettle that "drama" can be fun!
Below: eniors tephen Dominguez and Miriam
Plump are making Ia t minute preparation m
order to make ''Oklahoma!" the huge succe it
250 klahoma