Page 250 - chs-2002
P. 250
~oys and §irfs Staters are rTakin8 Over
Boy and Girls State is a program that bring orne of the greatest forward thinking young ladies and gentlemen together for a more progressive
Florida. "It wa my pleasure to be able to represent the idea from thi community and from my background," Elizabeth Free stated when ask about her
adventure as a Girl' State Repre entative. The journey to Boy and Girls State began with a send off breakfast from the Holiday Inn and an escorted ride
by a deputy to Tallaha see, the capitol of Florida. The ride was quick and full of it own adventure . When they arrived they where anxious to get
checked in and a signed a roommate.
When they met all the other girl and guy in their city, they kept their guard up and did not let any of their feelings or backgrounds out. After a few
hour they discovered, they were all in one way or another a participant in many activities. This put them on an even playing field, a place in where they
could let their guard down, and become clo e, lifelong friends. They began the process of learning how Florida and the country is governed. The
program tt 1 et up as a mock Florida Government. There were 8 different citie represented. This was a very educational experience for all partici-
pants. They learned specifically and exactly how to pass and lobby for bills for the measured growth and future needs that the people of Florida need and
de erve.Thi year we have witne ed one of the most life changing events of the United States of America has ever incurred.
-Elizabeth Free
Right: Elizabeth Free and Latorie Jone are being congratu-
lated by Audrey Brockman, head of Girls tate and the head
of the American Legion. Mrs. Brockman is very involved in
her community and looks forward to this event every year.
Right: Mrs. Chamberlin shows her love and suppon to the
Boys and Girls State Winners. Thomas Olmsted, Latorie
Jones, Elizabeth Free, Greg Welder, Kennon Hunter, Anthony
Currington, and Gordon Ellis show that they appreciate Mrs.