Page 149 - chs-2003
P. 149
Left: Setting up for a goal, Senior Preston Coleman, rears back with driving power and perfect
Below: Expertly keeping possesion of the ball by conducting a senes of complex defensive
movements, Freshman Chris Mullen escapes any opponents attempts of making a steal.
Onlookers stand by, waiting the result of the competitive brawl to see who will have possesion.
Above: With opponents trailing behind, Matt Richardson rockets the ball
towards the goal.
Left: Senior, Steven Patterson, leads the pack, while senior, Phillip
Pueschel, keeps a close guard on the opposition to h1s nght.
Left. Captured
tn the after-
math of an ..
entor Matt
launches the
ball into the
mg teammate.
bovc: Ju\tin Go \,Junior. takeo, one for the team wtth a -,elf-o,acrificing di\C to keep
the ball out of the goal. The determination io, evident by the look on hi\ face.
Boys Varsity Soccer , 145