Page 200 - chs-2003
P. 200

Below: It took a lot of work to pull off the   Right: After almost being eaten by
                       final production. Ju t a  k  enior Peter    the  plant,  Audrey  (Fre  hman
                       William  on,  Junior  Tracy  Yate  ,  Mr.   Holly Brown)  aid her final good-
                       Kilpatrick, Junior Heather Dewee  e, or     bye  to  eymour  (Senior  Luc
                       Fre hman Matt McDonald.                     Houle)

             ~bove: Don't worry he'  not be-
             mg  eaten!  Freshman  Matt
             McDonald is just taking in  orne
             air. Matt provided the movement
             of the puppet during the pia  .

                    Right:  Working  on  Little  Shop
                    wa  a great opportunit  for every-
                    one involved, 1t brought the whole
                    ca t clo  er together.

             36  Little Shop of Horrors
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