Page 201 - chs-2003
P. 201


                                 FEED  THE


                                 LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS

                       CA  TLIST
                       A voice not unlike God's   Joshua Gavarrette               Man-eating plants invaded  Richard on
                       Crystal               Anna Nettles                        Middle School Auditorium  in the Drama
                       Rmmette             Caroline Martin                       Club'  production of "Little  hop of Hor-
                                                                                 ror ." Written by Alan Menken and Howard
                       Chiffon            Bethany  Bwcker
                                                                                 A hman, "Little  hop" is a  poof of SO's
                       Mr.  Muslmik       Tristan  St. John                      horror movie  .  The cast and crew  pent
                       Audrey                Holly  Brown                        many long hour  and devoted month  of
                       Seymour Krelborn       Luc  Houle                         practice to prepare the play.  enior Peter
                       A customer            Sarah  Duren                        William on, the show's  tudent director,
                                                                                 aid, "The late nights and hard work were
                       An interviewer     Brian  Kinnaman
                                                                                 worth it. Seeing the  how through  wa  a big
                       Orin  crivello   Jonathan  Benefield
                                                                                 accompli  hment." A  imple story of a boy, a
                       Audrey 2- voice   Stephen Dominguez
                                                                                 girl and the plant that come  between them,
                       Audrey 2-movement   Matthew McDonald                      "Little  hop" featured senior Luc Houle and
                       Bemstein             Cody  Hallberg                       fre  hman Holly Brown in the lead roles of
                       Mrs.  Luce          Amanda  Dickey  Above: If you think your dentist is  Seymour and Audrey, who long for a better
                        kip Snip          Brian  Kinnaman   bad just be glad you don't live on   life outside of the downtrodden Skid Row.
                                                       skid row. Junior Jonathan Benefield The voice of the alien plant, Audrey II, wa
                       Patrick Martin    Joshua  Gavarrette
                                                       played an abusive, sadistic dentist  Junior  tephen Dominguez and  movement
                                                       and was also Freshman Holly      •
                                                       Brown's boyfriend         wa  provided by Fre hman Matt McDonald.
                                                                                 McDonald, who al  o acted a  a  i tant
                                                                                 director commented, "I had a great time
                                                                                 being in ide the puppet. It wa  a real chal-
                                                                                 lenge to coordinate my movements to
                                                                                  tephen's line  ."AI o featured in the  how
                                                                                 were junior Jonathan Benefield a  a  adi tic
                                                                                 denti  t, Tri  tan St. John as a cru  ty floral
                                                                                 hop owner and  ophomore  Anna  ettle  ,
                                                                                 Caroline Martin and  enior Bethany
                                                                                 Blocker a  a  a  y trio of  treet urchin , who
                                                                                 ju t happen to sing doo-wop mu  ic. Mr.
                                                                                 Kilpatrick, the Drama Club  pon  or , wa
                                                                                 thrilled with how much the  tudents took
                                                                                 control of this production. "The  et wa
                                                                                 designed and built by the stage manager ,
                                                                                 Tracy Yates and Heather Dewee  e. The
                                                                                 student directors were respon  ible for the
                                                                                 acting and Caroline Martin did an outstand-
                                                                                 ing job with the choreography. Overall  the
                                                      Above: The troublesome trio of   production was a success and we had a great
                         Above: "If I had a mother she would be   Senior, Bethany Blocker along with  time doing this play."
                         so proud!" exclamied Seymour(Senior   Sophomores, Caroline Martin, and
                         Luc Houle) as he dances with his new   Anna Nettles were an unstoppable
                         father  Mr.  Mushnik(Senior  Tristan  St.   singing team.

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