Page 204 - chs-2003
P. 204
How do bf.llloons Aoilt? Vnckr
conditions do plf.lnts grow best? Doe ''E•
ref.llly ec:tuf.ll MC2? We've got the
c:tuestions, <1nd they hf.lve the f.lnswers.
Sc1ence Fair pi.lrticipf.lnts f.lnd DNA l<1b
VISitors stretch their cref.ltive wings f.lS they
experience hf.lnds-on f.lcbvity. Sc1ence is il
l<1rge pi.lrt of CHS. There f.lre mqny
courses f.lVf.lilf.lble to inspire the doctor or technici<!n in you. These students
hf.lve t<1ken whilt they bmed in the
clf.lssroom <1nd <lpphed it to everydily
problems in order to cref.lte SCience F<lir
Pro1ects th<lt were juclgecl <lnd <lW<lrded.
As fun <lnd exc1t1ng <lS they :ook, cre<1bng
<1 project successful to go to the county
Fair <1t the Gle<lson M<1ll tf.lkes <l lot of h<lrcl
work ilnd cledlc<ltlon. Keep up the goocl
Above: Jurek Polmerski and Mrs. Mac po e for a moment before the judging begin . They are anxious to ee how the
work, who knows, m<lybe one of you will coring turns out.
win the obel Prize one-cl1y.
Amqnqq Bn.mcl<lge
:nooiNG AwAY THE BEsT?
Above: Zac Radke, winner of the enior Divi ion, with his Above: Brittany peakman highlights photography as a
project "Bit Loss Really Bytes", won the Army Re. earch way of displaying the results of her problem.
arah Butler u es her intellect and organizational skills to Certificate, the Intel Excellence in Computer c1ence Award,
attract the judge's attentiOn he placed Third in Yale c1ence Association award, Computer ciencc Regionals
En\ ironmental and Overall Regionals plus $1 ,000!!! Zac will compete on
the intemallonallevel later this year in Oh1o. Th1s IS the first
time CH has had a computer science winner in over 9 years.
200, Science Fair