Page 164 - chs-2004
P. 164
R1ght \\hcthcr it 1s
posmg for the camera or
speed1ng through the
fimsh IJnc. th1s team
knO\\ s htn\ to make
running look good.
Right: Graham Goodson
and Jordan kins
contemplate their
strategy to \\in the race
and take home the
BelO\\; Pep talk anybody'?
Coach ollins bnngs
some laughter to the group
before the bigge t meet of
the ea ·on.
Above: Jonathan Wright smiles from ear to ear as he pa.
bove: E\cryonc walls qUJetly as Coach Tyler reads out the line up for the next meet.
h1 be t run of the ea on.
All the hard work 1n practice 1s finally stanmg to pay off.
Cross Country. 160