Page 211 - chs-2004
P. 211
The Family Career and Community Leader
of America (FCCLA) i on the move.
FCCLA will be traveling to Middleburg, F
Florida on Thur day February 19, 2004. to
compete in an array of family and con umer
cience ba ed proficiency event . orne of
the event include Decorative enter Piece ·
(Culinary Divi ion), Illu trated Talk (Public c
peaking and Job Interv ie\v) ( areer
Preparation), just to name a few. tudents
from the CH FCCLA divi ion will
compete for an oppurtunity to ~in
scholar ·hip and or a\ ing bond , along
with an incredible learning experience that c
include college preparation. Remember
non-F L member · with the proper
qualification will ha\e the opportunity to
join during the 2004-2005 year.
-Clyde Dougla III
Above: weethearts Tandra onzalez, Trudy
Mobly, Clyde Dougla , Hearttrhob Trudy
Mobly, and Vanes a eadrow mile for their
Homecoming picture.
Above: Tawanda Barrignton, Jodi Finch, Tandra
Gonzalez, and Di trict Chairmen olby Higgin prepare
for their tate competition.
Above: Tandra Gonzalez, Vane a • •
eadrow, and Trudy Mobly ride
through the parade howing their
F CLA spirit.
bove: tate Officer Deni ha Montgomery, Jodi Finch,
Clyde Dougla , tate Talent hare Participant Tandra
Gonzalez, and Vane a eadrow prepare mile after
getting congratulated b) the tate officers.
207, FCCLA