Page 214 - chs-2004
P. 214


          Above  F~rst Row (leh to nght) Mr  Hernandez, Demtnc S1mmons.  Larose Perry, Kelly Benef1eld, K1m Vernam. V1ctona Sm1th. Megan Sapalak, Amber Lashley. Revan Sikes, Shona Hamson. Amanda Richardson, Heather Alford.
          Samantha Townsand  Kara Creamer Second Row  Mrs  Menendez, W1lham Kannady  Jenn,ler Woods, Bnttany Dortly. Callsha G1vens, Bnttany Lewis. Malenda Trow1ll.  M~randa Glover  Knstle Olive. lbanes Albo. Sabnna Varnes
          Th~rd Row· Carlos Turner, Jerma1ne Gadd1s  Dean Rossin, Wyne1ce Dans. BeOitra G1vens, Heather Jenkins, Chns Jackson, Chase Barrs. Matt Bohannan, Ben McFemn. Nina King. Adam Chap1tal Fourth Row· Jess1ca Da\IIS
          Sheena Haughton, BJ Garnsey, Ronald Albntton. Stephana Jlunga, Kev1n Cobb. M1les K1rby, Aaron Ammons. MIChael H1lbert. Justin Horner. Enc Ball. Joey lice F1hh  Row: Dema Allen. Jess1ca Thomas. Matt Chnst1e, Damel
          McDonald  Shane N1pper, Chns Nuchner. MIChael Jolley. John Minshew Jess1e Cesl,e, Carol Dunn, Bngham Bedenbaugh  Joey Tyee S1xth Row: Timeka Stockton. Dernck Carter. Jonathan Mesa. Alv1n Murphy. Bryce Smrth
          Tiffany Townsend  Shaunte Young, R1cky Ramenz, Chnst1na Ramer. Ashley Cook. Jemne Ste~nruck. Antoma K~ng Conrad lrv~ng Seventh Row  Thomas B1ggs. Ronn1e E1phm1n, Sampson Genus. Bnttany Bryant, Jaquez Ma
          Rene Perry. Andrew DaVIs. Jordan Ak1ns.  Brady Kre1ghauser. Blake Raulerson E1ghth Row:  Evan Hadly. Joey Pucc1  Shawn Harmon. Laua Boone. Melissa French. R1cky Roberson. John Lee, Byron Shemwell, Keth Jordan
                 The Freshmen of Columbia High School formed a Freshm

          Academy A and B.  This group of students were the A team.  Th

           students help with school activities such as Field Day.  They hoi

           activties  like  scavenger hunts  and picnics.  The  sponsors  of th1

           Team  are  Mrs.  Greene,  Mr.  Hernandez,  Mr.  Adams,  and  Mr

           Menendez.  Freshman Acadamy Team A tried to help and organi

           any activity possible to make events a success for our school.  Thi

           group of students are a very talented group of students and love t

           help out in anyway possible.

           21 0  , Fre  hmen Academy A
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