Page 173 - chs-2005
P. 173

~ The 2004-2005 Yar  ity Girl
                                                                              occer team was filled  with many  new
                                                                             change  .  Fir  t year  head  coach  Beth
                                                                             Adkin  brought  many  new  idea  to
                                                                             help  the  H   occer program.  "It wa
                                                                             a  great  fir  t  year a  head  coach.  I
                                                                             learned ju  t  a  much  from  the  girl  a
                                                                             they  learned  from  me,  and  I  look
                                                                             forward  to  next  year,"  aid  Adkin  .
                                                                             Although  there  were  five  graduating
                                                                              enior  ,  there  are  many  girl  ready  to
                                                                             fill  their  places  next  year.  enior
                                                                             captain  and  goalkeeper  Rachel  Parker
                                                                              aid,  "Thi  sea  on  wa  great!  I  ended
                                                                             my  occcr career at  II  on  a  very
                                                                             po  itive  note."

                                                                             Abo,e·  helle]  Giebeig  \\Orl..s  to  mo\e the  ball
                                                                             dO\\n  the  field  \\ith  her  e:~.ceptional  kill.

       Abt)\t:'  Phalon  Waters  goes  up  and  O\er  Paxon   Above:  \>lolly  Rayburn  sch  up  to  trap  the  ball  m  the   bO\ e:  Lmdsay  Beach  concentrates  hard  on
       dcfcnm~ plajcrs  to  ''in  a  head  ball.   Tigers  defcnsi\c  half   trappmg  the  ball  awaj  from  the  Pa 'on defender.

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