Page 177 - chs-2005
P. 177
J ~ A~J,.Y B.AJkE All
bove Kashanna Dorsey geh her feet set before
dribbltng up court
Left The Varsity's onl) semor K'Ardra Cook mjured
her leg during a hard game and ha:. ~ r . Laura. the
. chool trainer. look at it and gl\e some tips for
-\bo,e· Freshman Kaylen Varnum sets up to make a pa''· Her strength and
detenmnauon \\ere a huge as et to the team.
Left: Jumor Clar'Donna Jerntgan posttlons herself to make a perfect pass. Her
abihty to fire off a good shot helped the team 111 all of their tough games.
The Lady Tiger wept up and down the court and put the pu h on th ir
oppon nt . The end ofth year m: a 10-11 record but thi did not r fle t
the effort of the team or the power they o ed on the court. They had
trenuou practice eryday from 3:30 until 5:30. The coache ,
Wil on and hi a, i tant Rufu Bak r, pent a lot of time bowing play and
teaching mo e . The team came togeth rand found a common goal... winning!
Iizabeth oker commented, ·'I wi h w had done a b tter job. The ea on
certainly had it' high and low . 0 erall, it wa a lot of fun and I can't wait
unti I ne t year."