Page 175 - chs-2005
P. 175

Left: Jumor forward Ju. un Rayford  calls f<  r time-out after he
                                                                                makes a huge dtvc to ke  p posses  ton of the ball.

                                                                                 Bclo\~  em  r  Ant\~an Julks  reaches  over  e\erybody  and
                                                                                 shoots the basket. Thi  is when hts  ize comes in handy!


                                        CH  VAR  ITYBO~

                                                                              Left:  Head coach Trey Hosford talks '' tth coach  mtthc}  and
                                                                              coach  Bro,,n about the nc\\ play he is \\anting the team to tr)

                                          Left: Freshman Kenny Wtlhamsjutnp  up and shoots the ball.
                                          lie ts  hopmg for nothtng but net.

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