Page 176 - chs-2005
P. 176
hak•y 1a Gamer take, a JUmp 'hot during the
he finishc, her >hot
The - 04-200- \ ar. II} Ba,ketball Team hont RO\\
L to R: Bcnma (II\ en . . 1\.a,honna Do~e}. hak1yia
Gamer, Laneshm Harris. hannon I ford
Back RO\\ L to R: Tash1ana Harris. Elizabeth oker.
Clar"Donna Jern1gan . Knsllan dams. Kaylyn
Varnum. and K".\rdra Cook. Coach CC \\llson \\as
bO\e: The Lad} Tigers huddle together at half time to get their game plan together
for the econd half. Coach v atson stepped in to lead the team when Coach C.C. Wilson
\\aS ill
Right: Lone.,hia Harris get ready to take a free thrO\\.
Her pO\\ers of concentration and her ability to focus
helped put points on the board.
Lady Tigers Hoop It Up!