Page 176 - chs-2005
P. 176

hak•y 1a  Gamer  take,  a  JUmp  'hot  during  the
                            he  finishc,  her  >hot

        The  - 04-200- \  ar. II}  Ba,ketball  Team  hont  RO\\
         L  to  R:  Bcnma  (II\ en . .  1\.a,honna  Do~e}.  hak1yia
        Gamer,  Laneshm  Harris.  hannon   I ford
         Back  RO\\  L  to  R:  Tash1ana  Harris.  Elizabeth  oker.
        Clar"Donna  Jern1gan .  Knsllan   dams.  Kaylyn
         Varnum.  and  K".\rdra  Cook.  Coach  CC  \\llson  \\as

                 bO\e:  The  Lad}  Tigers  huddle  together at  half time  to  get  their  game  plan  together
                for the  econd half. Coach v atson stepped in  to lead the team when Coach C.C.  Wilson
                \\aS  ill
                                  Right:  Lone.,hia  Harris  get  ready to  take a  free  thrO\\.
                                  Her  pO\\ers  of concentration  and  her  ability  to  focus
                                  helped  put  points  on  the  board.

              Lady Tigers Hoop It Up!

   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181