Page 223 - chs-2005
P. 223
The L 0 lub ofCH i a very community-involved
organization. It wa fir t organized in ptember 1987 under
the guidance of the Lion Club of Lake ity. The fir t pon or
wa Larry Joye who i till pon oring today. The L lub
partake in everal community ervice project . The e include
the afe Halloween Party at the American Legion,
Thank giving Basket for needy farnilie , pon oring children
for the Beta hri tma Party, and Ea t r Fruit Ba ket for
nursing home . Each year LEO lub al o participate in the
CH Homecoming Parade by nominating a weetheart to ride
in the parade. For the 2004-2005 chool year, Dalita Diaz de
Arce wa elected Sweetheart for LEO club. ach year new
officer are elected. The offic r for the 2004-2005 chool
year are Heather Dewey(President), Emily ilcox(vice
Pre ident), arah Duren( Secretary), and Renee
Bate (Trea urer).
Fir t Rovv L to R: Mr. Joy ( pon or), Rene Bate (Trea urer), Heather Dew y (Pre id nt), Emily ilcox ( P), arah
Duren ( ecretary). Row 2: Mary Doonan, atherine ummer , R bah olomon, lly 11 n. Row 3: Danielle Hunt r,
Gabby Diaz de Arce, Jenna Thoma