Page 228 - chs-2005
P. 228
Student wh focu on the po iti and avoid making
de tructi e deci ton have had the benefit of school club that
aim to help tudent find po iti e olution to complex
problem . Throughout the high chool years tudent are
faced with opportunities to cho e the right or wrong way to
deal with ituation . SADD offer guidance and leader hip
to all member of the club and the chool community. Their
influence i felt through their po itive action
Fir>t RO\\ L to R Brandon Hill (VP). Jenn1fer Rodgers (President), !lolly BrO\\n (VP), Chelsea Blair
(Treasurer). RO\\ 2: Cameron Dyal, Ja. on Lee, \1rs. purloek ( ponser), arah taphens, Jam1e Williams.
RO\\ 3: Bnttam Wooden, Ta:r \ilcG0\\3n, Donna ·llerkamp, Audry Collins -Buchnan