Page 224 - chs-2005
P. 224
Mu Alpha Theta i a club for bright tudent who enjoy completing
mathematical problem and puzzles. Competitions are help during the
meeting to ee who excels in math kill . Mrs. Cox, the pon or, enjoy
p nding tim with her more mathematically inclined tudent and
encouraging improved math skill .
\\eetheart arah Butler and Heartthrob am Osborne calculate JUSt
hO\\ man} people arc standmg on the s1delines \\atchmg the parade.
First Row L eft to R1ght arah Butler (President), Carmen Kam (Vice President), BJ
\ alsen (Treasurer). hauna O'Steen ( ecretary). Mrs. Cox ( ponser). RO\\ 2 ndre\•
Bullard. Jenmfer Carpenter. Lyndsey goodson, Brooke Watson, ellioll Welder, John
Gilhsp1c, tephanie Kellej. Bnan Readout, Danielle Burkell. Kon Drake. RO\\ 3:
W hnney und1la. arah tephen . Chelsea Blair. Amy Rowand. Kristen Mehl. Vickie
Brush. Colby H1ggms, Carloua ofield, Peter Kamback, Heather Tramel. Row 4:
hraddha Patel, Jam1e \\illiams, K1er ten Re1ter, Chel. ea Boyeue. Jordan Best land.
Cathenne ummers, BenJamin Carroll, Knsuna Rodrigue?, Rna Buzzella, Amber
Mansmann, am Osbourne Row 5. Chandler Collms. James Haley, Justm Goodson,
Rebah olomon, Jam1e 'ipp, Brian orman, Chnstine Moses, Holly Kmg, Meagan
Huffman. Calvin Adams