Page 225 - chs-2005
P. 225
ui Chen, Jessica Roldan, Chester Tan, Carmen Kam, Chnstma Cho
The Multi-Lingual Club i ba ed on the pr mi e of allowing
tud nt that peak more than one language or are e tabli hing
ngl i h a their secondary language to interact both
academically and ocially among other tudent with imilar or
diver e background . One of our main goal i to create a
comfortable etting that embrace different cultur and a i t
foreign tudent in getting acquaint d with olumbia High
"' pcakmg more than one language 1s tough . ..:spcc1alh "hen }OU ha\C to learn
English from the start. It 1 comenient and fun speakmg more than one language
Carmen Kam and lleanthrob
because )OU can commumcate to people from other countries:·
the p.:oplc watchmg the parade.