Page 279 - chs-2005
P. 279

Sliauna aru£ Sliane


                                            I am so proud' of you graduating. I am
                                           even more proud' and' {uc~ tliat you are

                                            my CittCe sister.  We liave a{ways 6een
                                             tliere for eacli otfier and' you ~now I

                                          a{ ways wi{{ 6e.  ~ou liave turned' out to 6e

                                          a very 6eautifuC young woman insid'e and'
                                                out. I  ~now you wi{{ succeed' in
                                            everything you ao.  I just wanted' to Cet

                                          you ~now tliat as your 6rotlier, I  couUfn 't
                                                 askfor more.  CongratuCations!

                                                            I  Cove you-
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