Page 284 - chs-2005
P. 284

\ccumph  hnlCflt
                                               (  ljd< '"""'"  Ill
                                               1)08  to.m-..                         .,..  B.mdlurl \..,"'U
                                                PO n L  ~Cit). ll                    to- ( nmaNI JUSIJ«  Student A
                                               1.1\\Jfltc:· '·JCll  '(')j,_'fl't (  hanJc' ~ \1us'q   ""  'd
                                               l;l\ttnl  ()wee  "'\\hcrtlu\cretgns~tmJ'l  1blcma..,bc  ttamr.."\.1"   tt• chJtl q\lllJ'tCTlN  tcr, (Jtrl \,(outs, (  ttmmal Ju  lllC'  hk.ltnt
                                                \r.:..:omplllihmnat!l                110!\llf"'-M.:Il"l)'
                                               "'*  lkaor R.,ll, A~.-aJtm, ...  letter, &nd. ( h\~. fburpld \taf'hall  \t.:tnc=H:   •'I:ICI)  11\1 \S),   12• ch•et qu:utmna.ik-r, (,ul 'Xou   alinn<&l  I:.."  Honor
                                               Ill! \  'JOUtb  for l  hn  t.  \nmnted \o1..:~  llf  t -\\OPI   tudcnt  \   XWIOfl
                                               It   lhJOOr  Roll. band  J\1 \S. f( ll ·\, '\\OP   tcmun   B.U'liJ  tr1   to Tc   lorn=ldo &  fr«zmg rorad11.:r  Atlanta soowblll tiefH  ran..
                                                II .. lltJPOI'  R  II,  r\1 \S. H  l  L"-. tl-h_lrTlC\:ommg  Heart throb).  <\\OP   bn a hall  (rut  to the  Bah:trna.5,  1nisba. Lat  mght c'~o."W'DOftl. \\aftle lhJUJe. F.-a Panacs..
                                               12:._  1f•lft0r Roll.  I \1 \S. fCll \  (2004-201.1~ Ptnkierlt).  ~OI.IJ\ded tk Douglu lntl."fT\atlonal   Todrt Papt.-r  'ir   and 'ih.ulC'  Halo, I uv kmms. lu\  buruu   btrdics.  utrrc=l  , rnon
                                                \   tiOil of l  n!lltiM 1 01 \( ).  'nkknb of E '..:dlencc, KC)  ('Juh,  lnrcncc
                                               \teroonn  Clulhn "''h ~rm..:c:o B. Tmna   flinbdb G  "'hanna man)  5pe~-"ial mornn11  w•th   l>atTcll  [)  f uhon
                                               Juntt ~ma &a ""mmr""                  OOB  K-4-.8b
                                                                                     Place t.ll  Btr1h  lwm, f l
                                                                                     f.wnte ~~   \1v Boo''
                                                                                     I 1•  l Dod  Production
                                                                                     12"  I ood Produrnon
                                                                                     1emoncs  friends
                                                                                     kmnaah fulton
                                                                                     ()08  111-9.  s
                                                                                     f1acc Cll  Ur.rlh: <.bines\  lie  J 1
                                                                                     fl\onle 'Xq;  \tr  Rip- l Oft(l: Mttr""
                                                                                     J  -onte Quote  '"If you conn~ do,, tt. don bi{'
                                                                                     9"  I -II. \\  1;1>1 hftma. & I 'l<k
                                                                                     IQA  football.  \1.  1gln hfhng. &..  lrao-;11.
                                                                                     II .. loothall."  ¢d hfhna. &..  lnk:l!.
                                                                                     I~ lootball. \1.  ghl bftma. &. Trad.
                                                                          ,R  .~I\)...  BD.I)J,   M:mon   lfyournnc.--mbcrm)Wtllle,l•illmnemb<Tall)a11prls.andaJitbehom   ldl
                                                                                     10 than~<. all the: IJrb for malma: thc1r year. a gret~t ~'
                                               PUB  1  :(tt). tl                     I1ffan) <•aalunorc
                                               laH.'Intc   '(httanJ<hcr ..           non  o7-ll-!Stt
                                               f&HWltc  Quute  '"Thr\JUgh (jod an)1htng 1 r-:  1blc ..   PO B  1-..mplon. Jama1c1
                                               ·\ccomphshrncnt                       f-<aHWllc  "ong  l   ~.--r ''( \lrll"c   llrl' Part 2'"
                                               Y"'  Color<•uarJ                      h\('1"11~ Quoit.'  "'Scheu! an  )'(~If and )(JU "1ll 8\:hlc\e ..
                                               10  ('olur (,ua.rJ                    \l\:lJJnpl•.,hmcna
                                               11•  A B  llonur Rull. ('ulor (,uarJ   Y"'  l\iatumalllllll<.lr Rull, Y..ho among A.rnen\:an.  m.arJ~ the lnk:L.  learn
                                               12   \  B  Uonur Roll. Color (,uanJ   H,..  \iad~ th~ Honor Rull and i!Cltlng a J••b
                                               ~1cmun   ll•tzh"a)· k.  P,  ~1 (   ~1d>on.11d • 0  B, Lalu!  llllU~ J ..\  (iraduataon,  t...  I  I) B,   II*  \\-mmnll Ill)'  riN IOld medal In and m rlcld 4x n:l;n
                                               I-.  P  .\t (  J R  A (  ,  TllC <•mg" Rad .. ~.-t  Ball ct ...   1zeo  I milll)'  l\e'm~r aacn1ut  and 'A-nn  4, ltX1 n:ht,, h10r )C  N 1n a rov..
                                                                                     \ti!mon·n nef)'OilC got tnte.l.'lhc:T  lor ~lor twe-o~kla!!t. and when  Doutna and I broke:
                                                                                     ci."'11 com•"¥ from  ..,~1p'
                                               ""'•L..:tml:.ct.wd:t.                 luhclla <•Mn
                                               non  w-:~ 87                          l>OH  10-.20  b
                                               h\Oilte {)uok  'Re-pcct tJ not   \lolth c!\eryont' II   recul8IO ~then )liU IJd   P< > H "m Juan. Pucno Rico
                                                                                     I&\UIIC'"•XIJ  'f~phany"
                                                \,<ompf                              f a\ontc Quote  L 1fe 1  beautiful"
                                               -- daoccn.. pep- club                 Ao..'Cornpl•shmtnts
                                               to- I late
                                               MC1l'l(ltle$  Blue demon. \1~ 'JMo l. \tercedes.lunmy  Bl:K  1: 'Plom'. Prom lU04  I   .,..  llonor Roll
                                               03,1\:nl   ~59 'io\(i<X,ll-  (late rught JY.._  Q\11 \ty Ml  TJ,  Popularity Gads lll\c! OaL.)   1o-:  .tlJon:tlllonon-...x:IC't)
                                               7 ~4  . •roo thto..  chK  •. Homeboy "'Fatr 02"' Cb:ubc Brown, llalloMcn "'OJ ..  Thl=  (,~m   II .. JROT(
                                               lln:stonwoO<J.Th<Bobba                12"- "'"""Roll
                                                                                     tl!nlOn   Bean, with IUy ltt
                                                                                        (o   ms
                                                                                     ()08  OH·ll  7
                                                                                     PO 8  L  e ( 1ty.  Jlond3
                                                                                     f-a'o'CII'lte'·~  \bdc10lo-.  'Ia  b)C'JCTaldl....ewrt
                                                                                     1•"'""'(/uol<:  t.o.-edby  l"."""'bymany
                                                                                    .,.  Pqo <lub. '" •r
                                                                                     1(1"  l'ql ( lub
                                                                                     I~ ~'IUor
                                                                                     t..'nlOiln  'penciJne time "-llh OJ,  Jruc- l.-0\c  ~h. chdbng with \\\, L<  07, ( (  TB. K1JJII
                                                                                     Uuy ok with  05 ~ mtdlkMIO my hMer z.
                                                                                     Elizabcth <••  (
                                               (]vi  fau                             non  tPI0-&7
                                               DOD   S-87                            PO H  to~nhlttan.  ~ 'lor
                                               Jlbcc-ofHrth  L&L.c<ny                I avunk "<Jnf  Hrgthc ..
                                               lavontc   g  Y..hutaOOBiced"          ( a\IOI"'lc:  ~ ·c an you hear me now'"'
                                               lawntc Quote- 'It'  only after •e•,< bt c\ttylhmg. that \lo'C  are free  to do ln)1hmg   \l;  omrlashments
                                               o\t,;o..omphsbments                   Q"'  allonal  \chiC\Cf'\. "\\-\1, l1gen.-tt,.
                                               ~ lUnd. Art, lt.;mor  Rol~ Chess.  atKlf13.lli{)f)OI'" "KM:Iet)   In-'  atulftallf•lfX)I' "X'n:t)', Bra1n  ll<Ml.  ll1te l:>.tncc  I cum. SY.. \T.  lnh:rad. So\ DO
                                               I~ &&nd.lkmor Roll.  \o~t1ona! lktn<)f' Soctety   11•  athlnalllunor "'II.: let~, Pia\: lOB l ... 1n 2   te cont ..  t. makma \an1ty Ta~
                                               11•  \tu  \lpha  Ilk.-ta       12-' <•1rl  "tate Delegate. \aNII)  l1gercttes. <•raduatana w1th  Honors., 'louna IA:mocr•
                                               12  An. "=nKir (  Ia:   \t<»~ lndmduah  tu:   lntera~:t. lreno..'h Chili. Key Club.  f•ger  ~h:tll<lf'
                                               \1~   (\loS  \14J1~,;  •n   Emo('haldn:n.  (  Car\\-r«L..   ()(gcumgmto~om.llead   \kmunc..  fhe llurncanc:s.llorncx-orrung, my 1oof) hi  1, lrcyO'tcr R01tcr. "'\ \f
                                               Y.uund.  W  t\:tdi,  RI\CT 'ioogs. fTID. 0Kil601   (I) d.: and I   rCOCC' my budd1c  . Papa Jotw: and the "rcw, l11l(M   and all Cll  ow
                                                                                     Being il IC!UOf' at I
                                                .nalte La  hundra !lemma
                                               llOB   ls-87
                                               Platt of H1rth  ( amhndge. \ti.SSIIChu.~t
                                               l.a-.vnk  0ft1  "'Ill.•  II  81.(1:.,
                                               111\'tltlte ()uok: "'lou  a I oof"
                                               ~ l':p<1ub.lbL ... 1baJI.S\I.-\T  ..,u,dcnt(QWl(;dR~tl\e
                                               10"1   Clboll
                                               I 1 .. Juna C1aA ( luh
                                               12"  \tu.., • throuJb my ocnwr yeow
                                                tntlOI'lef  1>«-nnbcr 2001.  F  C1. Utt~! ntghb on 242. Prom 2004   F l (,  o.;(  "I  tn 20
                                                I  S,Q.I  U.. llijliU on  hmlccn  I  OCR OJ
                                                                                    no u  o7-14-87
                                                                                     POH  (i~aU~¢tvtlle  f-lorida
                                                                                     monte~.  lfq-\a ..
                                                                                     Fa\ontc {.)uolc  If you doll. du II lug' ..
                                                                                      1101100' roll. l'ql ( lub, lnn<e ( lub
                                                                                     Ul"  llonor Ro>l~ f hte l:>.ncen. Pqo Uub
                                                                                     11•  (J\oo\.honorroiLLadcrstup,  umnut.Dancc<lub
                                                                                     12-'  < J  \.honor roll, POP (ml
                                               t....atherine Jan fran«               tcmoncs  I he  H ni 11omb.   P,opubrily Jlrls.  IZ·Il.OZ. 8( R "OJ  t..l.>d lll'l'ktoe.d. hole 01
                                               DOH" 7  7                            lhc waiL that t.rnel~ fen   rumor. tht klu, the lodge. (boice., ptmpma.  t(, \t\o. JB  I>\.(  [)..JII
                                               Place of Uanh  Inytona. otuo         lhd1kc me  act hke me
                                               I._ SonJ  "Somebody oold me
                                               I  \'Oiltc Quo1e  Y.oo fun
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