Page 282 - chs-2005
P. 282
Senior Index
I J\l"tOI~ Quok "I lope lor the best e'pcct the 'Al"IOI and don be urpnliCtl h\
r\Jty \lien Al\.'Omplt!hmen
o o n U2..()J. 1 .,. 1\"""· ptiS<d
P 0 B <•~Ilk' ,IJJc Fl I ()4 I rn:- SC)im paucd. roetr:o
I l:IOIC "-"'i 'L f\C hke you \loef"C: d~1ng.• by Tim \t.,:(.r.l"- 1• 1\-.etrv, passed \p.an1 h .2, leuncd to drh-e a lit~
1 'Of1 ··for I knov. the l"lan I h;a\c for vou. drdarn the Lord. pbns lO pruspcr vou 12 Jomed dtc am1)' <•radua.llon ~fully. 'p.uush club. Joumaltsm tna AI' Psych. Prilll
an..l notolwm vou. pbns tO 81\C you horc'and a tutl.Jft'" \tanones <ml , <nrt V•rls, tnends, teachers. my fll-l('\r) and. I mtnbon J1rll. the hcmaes l8
\ ... complashmmt \B. lD. llB. \18. J..., l'o, SS. RR. ail the ex J~rltn~
Q"' J\ \olle\hall \~K Lrtta, lcadcrstup, Jf,XIur Roll
10" \~.:adc-rrue Letter, I co <lub, Sophornon:' < lrcu.~m. l •r at10nal Honor \t4pnllurch
IOCICt\ ll 0 II ·I 7
II .. '\cadcnuclen~.LeoCiub, liS PO B Jal~tllc-,H
I~ leo (tub. 'I h. S.:.Wlmg learn h\on~ "Xll ·u er
\1.:rnoru.:: "'illmlnCI' "04-JI Jl, n liD. RB. II (B. <101tor pmes. 1gbt kmu Stc and Ja,orneQuoce "'1bert ne\ertunecodottngtltbutthere ah\
c S"' unnung. 8~1 Gam"' IXM I mg. fh:meconuns 'UJ -\ccomrhJhmmts
<r' llnoma Club. Oblahoma
I~ Oraml Club. HlXlOr Roll, little shop of 110f'1'<ln
11• Leo(lub
124' Drama ('hili Prn•dcnl. )OI.In8 ~-omanhood recogmbon., ensemble
\1\.mt.ln (oncerts. \tyrtle Beach. Ah Fl. ~o·rmm. < dcon. -\rPk
Lon."ru'o Burt
rts mnembrark: bnnp you pi~ urc ll 0 H 07·17
P 0 B Ucoqpa
htHJnte":~n& ""l....astt:illl"'
l<ty la\ortle Quocc .. soon I sot my check I"" JOI'C" ..
JCI<ty l1.:011lpltsbmcrtb
-\, JE. tkH."CrS.IKMima: (JOif, Tm:an qa Perfect\~
10" Perfect I1Cl>d:ux<
nrq.u ll=lc) II• Wbo urd
() () 8 S.l'?-11" \.t.:monn Uroa-q up "ith the llomm 1 B. SS. T . J...,. Ci GY. B. RR. and D
P 0 8 \Mbha. CiA
fr.uitc Pour :me SuprOn \i,. .. Anunda 8""'
' omplishmenu 0 0 R 10-02
J\ la~CfdkS,Ico(tub.Frmcb(lub P 0 R !\von Par\, FL
lc:J--J\11~ Ja\'Oitte\.q "'fretRmJ'
\ic."mOr B \( '· Bs. \0, C \1. < s. \0, b deep dan.JCT Ranger, nvn. < s. P•c , BB ru I avorne l.)uoce II"" •ce ..
\t~~,.hacJ BuJ"·IP 9-' all m:wlla lh ll>ramtl ( lub. \O)~ ball
t> on u"'-' _,.,., I~ AB Honor Roll .
PO 0 LAl ('(II),H I I • AB Honor Roll
Ia\ 1ntc '""If fnend!; tn ICM< plar.::e!io 12 All llmlllf Roll.(hupefu\1))
faHmte Quote. '"Do 11 and do 11 good 1 .. Mcmnnc Chett, \i1ht.ary Ball '03. Prom'04
.,.. JV Ba.;cball \,1rah Outler
I~JVI~~ball 0. 0 B Oh-2~-X'"'
11• \arut' 8d ball P 0 B Jlonda
I~ \an-tt)B.!. billt h\Onte '•lllC o\ da.--ade Wlder the mflumct-•
t<rnones 4-'A-ay. (one bndge. Tal~. tR. Froa ptlftd. .tfe ~ ( ( 's bca.:h, Football f;nontcQuole Don'ta!lforperm.tSSKWL,JU$t slforf<J~¥~'"-mtA
nt t,(ahnl,,lruglu:s..YLK F t.RCIIIdtnpl \c-.;ompl hmmts
' ·- "CCCbnrt, ON. llooor R
qa Beta. J CA. Honor RoiL TmnL ... o\l:adem.te l.dttt
1~ .d.tonalllonor '-.lCICt). \111 o\lpha Thda..lkt&. llonor Roll, Tcnm \cadmuc LcUcr
at~ Honor ~"ICI~ \t11Aipha Thda. &.-ta, Honor RoiL Tenm \a.dcnuc Leau..Gutl
.dionalllonor "-.;~. \tu o\lrha 'Thd:l prC'Sidcnt &
.:admuc l cucr
\tanonn (. ...:. TF. P. \111, fu-Kmg fnday G \ille: I0-8
< rtnc eid. Ht1tt1CaDt P.olrt). C 'r...,A MI. T<B'r t\Qd. l.:nn1 0.
out of toa11 wich I)J Lun)', I .ax by
ndr .. Callov.oy
ll o u o2.2 .qs
P 0 B 'bc:hw,H
lavont~ \cong hu_ be nl) R.lh)
ta~ont.:Quole f"mcoofused "a•"moot
Ac ompbshmcnt
I 1• If A\ ll'e Prt-s.ulmt., l.arlv clu!Jhood &J <. cert1l1..: twn
12 An <1uh. frmch ( lub ·
\kmon ( \\. BS. parllc<i, ().;ala ~d. B•nlt~ \tS llooon, \ill at rarttes. \h ttJ1II.
TT. BJS, [B. 8\t. Parti , Loc·'-·lOIId. Jeae. <.iA. VII.( L Pool tournament lutt· ruahJ: rompl
B. A('. \tB. J V. <B. l>ll. C H. TH. bN of aU 111 the woods.
Jes 1ca C.ameron
( r;ug Bnx:k 0 0 R 0.1-IQ-86
D 0 8 U"·~!C- 7 P 0 U Jad!OIMII<. Fl
P () B OrlandtL fl f a~onte s.~ng 'lid$ an the Bu..:ket .. b) \.Milh I"
FaWII1t~ '"""" .. \ty Boo"' fa\ 'tint~ Quoce l"mout bL.e the fatl1d m dodsc bell on \14) 19, 20US"'
favontc Quote-: .. LI\"c ea..:h and e\Cf) da~ to the full t. becaUK 11 may be your last'" Acconlpbshmenb
I.XOrl1pbsfuncnls ..,. \1\-"ho' who amana .\rnm~;a.n IIlah :bool Stlkknt
~ "ru.:krlt ( OuneiJ Rep 10" fWJdraucr ~~~~for I lA. \\ho wbo, attonal lt'lftOI' Roll
I~ I lOS . Honor RolL cadenuc Ldltt 11• fundratser/..mel rHA
11• JbOnal lloaor •X"M:t), Beta ( ub. HO~ Prn1tkn1. lt.Hkll' RoiL \eade-m h.; lettc.-r 12• f FA \1C~prnident. f I-'. ataoml C'cxnenbnn
I~ at1onal llt)ftOI' "><>ady \1u Alphl Tbctol. Bcta ( lub. IIOS , JOnal 'oclc:t)' of liS \1mkll'l thy andn1ght V.11hlD.IIPL 8\1.(\lo.IIO\eyouall,lh:snk 4l-vct)ttun;.
hulan U4) 1l).F 0.1\.B.\H>.( R, J-~tncL. I mt )ou 1 \t)' nc" fnend:i. A'- hl·ft:oul. ~~day of
\t<!ll"kJOCS \rnna: breD. '03 u .. me'"unmg '04 Prom'04. 16 .. R\Say, (. . all m) fncnd sood "" p...-ntJ( r.:vr Brant. J R~eh
hkk m luture tunc With R
\1~1 Lasb<.ap;uso
Enc llrool ll 0 H 0.1-S 7
1>0 H \.7. 7 POHB"""'-"
POR lt t<.tiy,H f avantt ...,, People ure trangc
f ¥0nlC' ()uocc ..,ltfe 1111 e a boJI. of )"OU RC'\CT k~ wfw you're lonna set lavonte<,>uoce "lhl r.,oyovdoa' «<d.UII \P"
A=mpi!Shmm A omplolluncnti
9" I\ B.udMU ~ < olor ( naard. A~.-ademK L_ccttr
Ill"- J\ l \>mty Bucb>ll )()$- ( Olor (JuaN, AcademiC Lcuer
II._ Vlni.ty Bueball 11• ( blot Owrd c:o-aaptam.. Academw;: Uuer, pam club, and Ensemble
1~\anny~l I~< Olor <•uard co-cap~am. Spamsh Club Prmdcnt
\tcmones -o" Tram. 04 Prom. 4-"Aily, Y..affie House. lhe (n:w, (( Seich. Service /\Jf'te 1l'tt'IOrlel o.nd amp W1th Y. D. KP. F«dJna: du.:L. v.1th KP. Par11CS •ilh the pD1. [
TMt Oood Cone Bndge l...ak aght T•p. RI\IU bouse, Ouff \bn_ i\P, Rta-T and "now Bto-u, \\.1). 1\.P,cvpool toJax.!u.ncb""Jththebo)'s, my Rl \\1). KPI lOY.
L l•e<.~ll1
0 0 B 06-10.87
Josq1h Damer· Bt"Q'a1l P 0 B \hanu. fl
() 0 8 Ol-lla85 fa..-ontc ''"I .. Red RaJ \\me ..
PO 0 l..akeC1t)',H I a~ontc ()uotc- If c-.c:r I had anfltUn8tmport;&nt I pnlNbl) fcqot ~hat 11"" !l
~.-complnJuntnt Accompl1'hmcn
qa ffA Y' tra~k. "cteht hftmg. f CS. JIOfli.)r Roll. (jot my 1• & la .. t rckrral,
1{,.-. JJA.J\. football l<F ( n coWllr), J\. t>OCcer, track. F( S. llunor Rvll. "-liS. "itud¢nt cnuuc1l. alad~ll li*Ck
II .. I lA, \an•ly foutbitll & en. ' country lcucr
12-' II A, \an1ty Foothall II"' (roo count!'). J\ ctt, tract.. f( . llonllf Rl)ll, "-liS. ll"mp (liS dlltt'rlea•kr, 111
\t~,o"Tnl)T\ Alpha 1 ht"ta, Srana5h < lob. ( Ia ·n:-w-y
12- <.rou ( owuey ..:ca. Inti.:~ tenn F< Srtam h ( lub, 11 < luh liS. lku
lawrmte Keyon Hrya:nt \1-.;'tlk,nft the pragc. (,·.,.,nc the JU)' and Jcnmlcr. [)...,.....ntown Orlando,< hurch tnp nlQI
I> 0 H 01-14-04 lk Tt. the beach. dance pan•es. ke fl \\ hltc rrl
PO II LW.<oty,fl
hvon1e about raan" by <•VJ Uan
278, Senior Index