Page 283 - chs-2005
P. 283
~ J\' Basl..etball. '•)f\ball, ''udetd council rep. AB Honor roll. f-loal bwld~t~; aa.-ards
II,._ J\ \OIIe)ball, Basl.etball, J\ ...,.,~1, rncNcd to vantty. B Honor Roll, wbo who.
lc-t1ft', HS Student touncd rep .t J \
1• \ ,'OJkyb;lll. ftball AB Honor roll, v.ixt who. -\.::ademic Idler, liS.( JA aa.'Ud:s
2" \ •olley!WI \ bouketball ftboll. ' ( JA. f1oaJ b•ulding .....-cis
\t~ htt ~land. S\t< rumors. R.'\\'. Jl P: LJ< Kl( Kl lhubb) d! memory of
~t., \-\ \tAB. footba.ll ~ quar1er mn. hero, TLL bte 01 4•iw:der. G',dtc. \'OIIeyball,
haLethal1, tu.llm.JUnCS
htgatl ( nJI'It
[)()8'1 13 7
P<) 9 Gamn"'lll~ fl
aaldat fortheNII f-aH)f'llC ''(an 'I hdp fallq tn kne with you"'
hvont~ Quoit .. L..ook at C'\'CI)1hing • tf you wm: ltt1n& It for~ fm.t or la,o,;t. thC'I1 your tunC'
V.'lll bt filled 'Aith Jlory ..
II'* \8 llooor Roll III)QOf tudcnt. Ekt.a <1ub. Leo< lub
111' \8 Honor Roll. llonor Scudmt. lkt.a (lub. Leo t1ub, tJOnalllonor S,lCleto,
tl• f f.\. 'atwnal Hooor ~). Honnr AP Studcnl. A8 Honcw Roll, G1rl~ Statd
Jun•or Cl.u6 1-h tonan
12.., I fA. 'atltmal Honor "-o..:lct~. \ars1l)' ( hecrl~. Ht:on,.:or Roll. COl el«:ted \1<»1
'.tc.m1m '.10 I ~ a, RP: '\3)1 S• terholld, BB.SD. 1\.(, tn()!O to T•fton. Hallov.-M:rc:am,100l,
'oh-no, Sf.lR,Ihort<UttoT<UY, \ll.l>anctv.tlhDD .
. Js < on"' en. < ampugn
\dam { rumttK
008 03-11>-"'
POB GalllCS\11lC', fl
fa\nnte Quot~ 'Dod hte then ..
Y' Football
111" hx:otball. \\ rntlmg
11• football. \\"''lghthfuq
12 hx:otball. Student ('OUfl(d
'.kmon \t,mh Ctra. hangma: out "'1th lhc home bu)- ~0. \( IS. <\{, (i( and the png, prU
w1th the' molo.en 'A hat
-\ndrea C'uatt
PO 0 Burlington. "'J
~a\onte Song "'\1othcr "'e JWI can't get enough ..
f-a\ontc Quute• •·tr mu tc ~the fi.:oud ol lll\C, pia)- on'•
being guN at h1dmg )Our lW'\: .. q A8 Honor roll, 1\cadenu..: letter
I~ Academu: lctt .. "f
11• ·\(."ttdcmu,: letter
12 Acadcmt~.. lcucr
"-1cmonc Rom:m11"' ( omcd) m.akmg the mto.n:M-a\'C COf1U1lCI'\."Q1
PO B Ja~:Lson\11JC' It
hl\onteS..-.n; .. o\lllaiS..!O:Sie'"
!- \Of'llt Qoote If you SOOC don. Du 11 Btl(
9"' football Honor roll, w-., who, 'II'." restlmg.. \'.~ghtlifbng. 'A11)' "''th ft lad•
1~ f-ootball, Honor roll. \'.lto v.'ho, 'illS. \'.~time, \\"11) 'Ailh thcladJo
t• fl'll:othall, Ht:morroll. \\bo' v.-ho. 'liS, \'.rcsthns,. \\ ~J!bns. v.11y v.uhlhe IAdj
:: h'N..ltballwayv.tlhtbcladtcs
'-kmonc m~ 1m PEI32.\81121 (atJI•cd.allmymwU Jlu,\ou
Heather [)ev.c)
[)() B (W.Q~·'S-6
PO 8 (,atn.!S\Jl!C' l L
f-a,ontc •lng ·she v.1ll be 10\ed'
Fa\onle Quot.: "l '~'thmg happens fur a I'QKllt ..
Q" lk1a.lco(1ub,J\ 11 \HIIonorRoll,-\.::admiKLC"tttt
10" lal (tub, '\,11 . \ T•~ \ llt:mor Roll, \..:admUc Leucr
11• l al ( lub liS. Bovoima: l \8 Honor Rt>ll. \cadcmU: l..ttt(r
ll l<o C 1ub. II . llowbng T<am
\1cmoo fS_ DO. RB. A-\. n J~ {B. Jf. ll-\. 'ummcr '(1.4_ rughtiCIUU Htxneconua; 03
&Mhng.tcadung11FD ~lgama.'t and' .~w1Dllll1Dg,holtub
Daht1Dwlk rce
OOBO.lll 87
POB 1 ..: (atv. FL
Tyhllll ( aleman f-a\onte song •·1 v.isb
"0 812-19 h\onte Quute .. If II • )'OU don 'I succttd. lo.~dt\ tsn't )'OW thmg ..
~OBW.<II)'Fl \..:..:omplt hmen
li\"'OiieSona!: We lp 9'1' I e\) ('luh. Tt~ertn ,Ao.-.dennc IC'tkr, lk•nor RoJI,lkta C'lub
I~Lco{luh. fl8'-'1't'ttn., \1.."3dm1ich .. "ttl:r,,IIS
II•Leotluh. JIS. \1.."3dtmtcl .. 'ller,Bdatlub.&Mhng.~gec~
12 L.eoCiuh. ''''· \cadenuclcn"'T,lkMlmg,Bcu( ub.~
\1emonC"S: HD. -\A RB. f s. \U, KK. 00 KS 88. JP. BC o\H. Sa. world S"amp Cabbqc-
8rvll. 1• n1ght b ~ ;:boo~
J IC'Dud,(T)
1>08 12-·· 6
P08 ~\die Fl
fl\-onte Song "'I can tdr by tm:No
10 I of \th'cnrures .-;1th ~lr: ~1001. hvontt: Quot..: '\\ itb ~~ pnde ~ Jm&t
9"-J\ T,_(lrbndo( ~)
l~J\ T1~ OAmodehna,mli cwOrieansl
11 .. \MSit) T~.hmioc'Oub "'"''Or\.( .ttioaals)
I~ \arslt) T•s..-mtes.. SIJI'VIVml tbC' p;at four ytan at Columbia H1gh. (,raduarion. Orlando
\kmones •·sur JH R.-n. Frwtv.u L•ptcb. B BUB. lk\~~ \tJ:mmer
'\\ho "r•lt dnn'.,.. C'<lft'IP'DI atl\.un l~io.::).. (Mo.. Red Trvd.. Jfoll) ('oncusaon., \t \up~Unr
I POl. ~-wa~ \ mnmg. •-at:cr for bq
\tan Donahue
008 11-22-~6
P08 Uwl t
hHlnte t,ong· 'Con~ Pan I & 2" b) Ld'ltf
h\r1nh~ Qut:ote- 'Do 11 B•tf"
f- ant lltlf'tiJI". Oe .... 'OI'311ng Club. { st
10" llooor RolL "\00
11 attonallloJOOI" Roll
\tcmones GradWlltfll from a hooll'vc gone Ill IOr~than I )cat
Senior Index, 279