Page 290 - chs-2005
P. 290

I~  J((  IR<thJ  fu
                                                                                     1emon   On  put ~.:hllhn wnll  R\\. ( \\. ch1lhn  \l.ith Ta\ha, lnCIIOOII
                                                                                     JOc.xiand bad 11   '41th  \h B1;1<\  ll.ltm latl! n1  tht  . e;~rl) mornm
                                                                                     Josh  \\ h1twmh
                                                                                     DUB  717Xh
                                                                                     Pla~;c of  B1rth  (,amnvl lc:  ll
                                               (f)ltllThoots..'l                     Fa\onh! \.~na  L e111  ao"' by n  \toocy
                                                008 ~·12-8"'                         Favontc Qut.>1~ "I'm JOIRI h> llraduate on tunc, no maucr heM  long It tal
                                                POB  c:wJCf'K"i                      -..IZUd and  1~ hcan of a bull  \U
                                                ~•Wlntt ~ .Ride .:m J nc:m1  ..      o\ccompl•shmcnts
                                                fawwJte (.)uol('  '"too t  lho-       ~pprec~auon  'll'd for   It man,er \"aRJty
                                                "-cwmph  mcrn                        1(1'  B.ueboall """'BCf wm!y
                                               qa..Pcrfect~ S\\\T.b;ul(1baiJ         Jt•  flDcbaiJ manatCf   It)'
                                                HI'  1\:rf«t  nen.bnce.  "  'r.   <~Nll   12-'P   RJF-<.·\I  .. bVVlgltup
                                                II ..  \\\T (rumno1Ju.11JCC.\\t.o  \\bo-\"wd   temon   Otbndo,  PTP.  !~;.  us·\  <-·VIlle  The  "Aamp.  fnda)  nt   at the Juqlr
                                                1z-. \\\\I  ( nnunal Just1cr         Bue  "ipnna bre  k  fncncb  1  .R  t  t  , PtJJY ban._,  H\\. (H. 1  t  B.JcOft.AJ  8
                                                \tetnOrleS  8eJna•lbrealfricrkb.   mg•;m\t   I~P\t  IB  DJ  01  LS,S\\   Ryrd.  \harph  \tuda  '1Uh.h1n1  Brmt play (ollese h  ball, Fam1ty.  fnn.m  St-atn
                                                                                     Clolden   u  et"'
                                                                                     'ihu.tnma \\ 1lharm
                                                                                     D 0 B  01-06-SI
                                                                                     PO B  \tad,  m  f lon..U
                                                                                     Fa\Qnte Si."lng  "'That  heM  ll ike If'  lkvork:c
                                                                                     Fl\l•nte QUI'''"  'li\C C'\fl)'da) like u  yola- last dah b«au  tumorJ'tM  1sn'1 promised to
                                                                                     \t~  111 ne'n l<qt"t thee   o(O< and   J~ fhcdancnat thr  :m, fOCJtb&ll.  pmcs.
                                                                                     honey   stmor brcal.l   hanJina on tbe comer, last but not   (  II
                                                                                     Dray  \\ilton
                                                                                     DOD  0'·28  7
                                                                                     POB   e(  rv.ll:oridl
                                                                                     fi\'OniC   \LUI I \tt   1y  I
                                                                                     fi\"Onte Quolc  ·u yourepna todoU. dod h1  ..
                                                RubmT'boml"                          f1L  J\  foo•hal~ \1tJ  -\lrha Thda
                                                DOD-- 7                              .o- \ toothall.  \1u Alphl Theta
                                                POB  l.akeC'Ih. F-l                  •1•· Pn:-calcul   \1u ·\lpha  Theta. and  liS
                                                f~vntt Quote •.  C\et QUII and )OU'\1  rle\-CI' fad ..   1 2  A P Cakulu.  \1u '\IJlhl Thcu. 'll!'t. and  Beta
                                                \n"'mpllshmcnt                       \1emunc   R~Xord !.abel -..uh Jcnn
                                               9'1'  J\  h-.otball
                                                10"'  J\ hx.•lhali.IIA.              R~ehard \\11lcl'\
                                                II .. \an•t)  \\ ~lhng               110 0  0~-ll-Xh
                                                1:! .. (,raJuat~tm, lh.·.i!.rllhwb-IX  I   PO 0  'L"'h(lha. '\1S
                                                11."ftl01'1eS  cone hml"c Sf. nc·. Jl  \T,  RJ, £ B  I tan srnng!l.l "f'O· 4-'>"a),the hapro.  dnnlc   fa\(lrltC  \nn   l~l\\n \\.1th  the \tr   "  D•  turbed
                                               frot Jk-lf'd.  Ja~e\ huw~e. nJ.tna d1rt  road  km8: tall  ••th d.t.d,  Dee-r (red. Outla""  \tLittm   A~.:c,>mpl1shnwnt~
                                               Country 'toR. Pte Bod). gra  b  tmg. snow blower, road tnrs v.1th JL  thc)oca. (  hn  tmD   9'  Band I RA  solt\.  B.  ball. ~upenor a1  f 8'\ coo   t  \upc:nur 11  S~mphon)' ( on1nt.
                                               Pcademoon '112, Johnny \\allrr ttht bam I. Y.llne ">pnngs  PlanlalltK'I •tth JIJ.Ille and DonrUe   h~o."eelcnt at \to1te Sympholl\  Contest
                                                                                     I oe  Band. ( ottun B•N.I. and \  xophone   1o  \U{IIo.-nor
                                                 • Thomas                            11•  Band f\"'Ch  IX'IWI. and  upmorat FB-\ COhte!it
                                               008  1-::!1  ,
                                               --    ''fhu and <her"' b)  dly fea~UnnST~m \1.,.'{,,_.   IOgethcr and 1\IT that I -..111  thanl.. her
                                                                                     12  Band.  Hd\Utg (,real fncnds.l ha\C round the one penon ""bo bnnp my -.."bole bfc
                                               POB  Lole(U), H
                                                                                         Pcachbt:rwl-withbntfriendPhil•p.Prom·KP,\1(.\\.D.Ioi.  t.KF  ~1.(\  RL
                                               f~ Quott:  t.oe C'\'CI')'d;ay h  c rts your lol.'it day becaux tomorrow ~~ AC'\cr Jlf1XI\IRd to
                                                                                     and all the fun umes that I haw had with the band and my  friend$ 1n the t.nd..
                                               Ill'- Donee dub                       BJ  Y.utson
                                                                                     00 B  12-~Q.)\6
                                                tmlOnel   tor brakfbt  atta:dantt  part   brch   2004  clau of '05.  I 11olll nnu   POB  (,aancmllt  fl
                                               foq;d \\I> I> R  •t V.tld  \dvmturcs. all the rednec   \\  I~ )1JU  fOR'\cr:  tcruor pu..-turn.   Favonte "ion&  "f rec Bu·d·  l maN   )'nard
                                               nvu l)cylona f   h. J R  Kmor f\iU'\.1111Ioc.  fallmg. G~\'1lle mall  m front of D1sney liOn!'.   Favonte Quale- -·Procrcss tsn t rMde by ear!)' nscn.••
                                               ~ K. B  old friends.,  H \  J P  han  na out. partymaat Jn le'S, lftllfll caught., I  '-'  ndmJ m   "   1o do IOJTM.'thma•  Robertllemlcin
                                                                                     9"' SUf'l"TWf  \ 1,lf'(htn  Hand, \up:nor ( onccn Band, SuJ"ICflur ~)kl &  I DJmlble. Acadrm
                                                                                     leiter, Honor Roll
                                                                                     J()'t   liS. \tu Alpha lheta. Supmor \farcblfll Band. A.cadcnuc kuer, 1-klftor Roll. ~hml
                                                                                     conan BoY. I. \1et my  future w1fc  r\.:adcnuc  ~ncr
                                                                                     I~·  'liS. Beta.  Mu  \lpba lhna. \upmor \brduna Band.  \-t..m:hma Pocb BtML
                                                                                     1~  HS.BcuCiubllcartthrob,  1u  lphllheuTreuurn.B~  capliMl.balf-llmC
                                                                                     temones  \tr  MOOI  "'FUM  "  ~t   \   • Bhae liGht   iar Tcus tnp •   . 12
                                                                                     C1•:nustr)  F   .  Th: re · "!))nanu< Duo", "Hytna Devtl Camels  Holy n.:.r D  t
                                                                                     Cleek  l I  Qu1  k  Report, There Once"  some Data
                                                                           1  ,pu_ r.-. o.n   f  bon J  \\elder
                                                                                     DO B  10.8-86
                                                                                     POD  I u!x"'-  D
                                               (amc Todd                             Fa\l'lnte \,,.,g.  "'\11.1 \ersa
                                               DOB  ,_1)  7
                                               PbccoiBanh  (,alnft\dlc. fL          "" Honor Roll,  \1\ P J\ \,  ·cr.  4..::adcmK  Letter
                                               fawntt ~ ·  I  wear .. h)  Oil)  to men   Ia"- fllmor RCIII.  \1u Alpha Beta. AcaJenuc  Un«
                                               ~ttQuc_,ti!"'Yi."IUf\1omma"'          11•· NUS. Beta  llonc'r Roll.  J)«lal Team  Av.a.rd. T1ger \fenlor, \tu Alpha 8da.  cadmriC
                                                                                    LC'"ttcr.  8o) ~ State normn«
                                                 C"HS  Band and ("hamber Smgm C'hoar!>   12  · ' fiS.  Ucta.  l lnnor Roll. T1~er me-nt<1r.  \1u Alpha  Beta,  cademK I cttcr
                                               10"1'  A  lltant   ·cnlf11eatk-rorlhetrwnpctlme,nthe(lfSD.tnd   \1ernone•r  R1dmg arvund "11h t.hc boyl. AP, RD.  JR. OJ, and Rl  lhc ~003 Playof!i. 4
                                               11•  Got a lar 11                    bal.. cry, Holl-o'  , and ( (llonkld
                                               12   Scntor and (m,duatlllf1
                                                1cmon   lnenJ!'Irt.,A!I;..('l,(\.AJ.\1G  (fl T...,.A,DIVIRYO\i ll lO\fYouAil!'   KcnJrc \\ 1lham
                                                                                    DOH  12·12  h
                                                                                    ll\'flf'lll:  ~ong  llcrc we JO \pm• ()\t"\
                                                                                    \1.:mon   JIR:\ nd.  lllun  a.  Jemny 'I   Julk  , fan,  I ukc, anJ  11  tbe bomm
                                                               nand the one "-ho as  would JIC\er make you Cf)"
                                                                    Wtt!hcan, f [A \  IC  Prtti.Jmt.. Golf
         286, Senior Index
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