Page 286 - chs-2005
P. 286

<arohnc \t.ll"tln
                                                                                    008  ~-31-X7
                                                 Landnlh                            P<)D  Htkison. fl
                                              DOR  Ol  no •. "'~                    Favontc \,:mg  ··~"C'C't (. arol~'"
                                              POB  u....-. rx                       I avonte Qoot~  lk S~Aert. \rrule Bnght
                                              Fa\Ultr \..111   The Dance  (,a.rth Brook   '\~.:'"-omplaMtment
                                              I  \-onte Qu<_·t~  ._,oc~   I  ~ lk  t  Rl!'\ent:t   9th· L t  J\  fa~l"f"CU   (horus, '\II  Amen~.:an OancCT, lead Ol..tahoml
                                              \~o.-comrt•sh~ts                      lOth  \an1t) T•gcorcu   Choru ... All  \men..:&~~  ommec:-.lanle \ihup ~~IIIOIT'Ot1
                                              ~ J\.  ( h«rlcader                    lith  ll  \"aNt)'  l•tzcrettc  Jr  ("]uh.llonur Rolllntera~.:t, ·\II Amencan  •)CllltleC
                                              10*  J\ ( h ... oocrleaJc..-r         12th  Co-( aptam \ars1t} Tattereu  • lkta Club Sv.eclh~an. l(tlnnr KviL  All   mcf1~m J).mcer,
                                              II   \mit) Checrl   ~                 \1o~t M.:cly  to bntthtcn )OW" day
                                              I~ \an•t} (  h«rteadct, l  (  ·\  -\II  Star1 Ch«rl~r. l (A fr)-Out~. <iradu:ttmn   \1c..'100C1es  Pnk:t~~.:c  Oan..::e(.1mr.<uoss',J\1  TS.SO.It  IlK  JD.B\t."(.J<..  Itt  1
                                              \li,."mc)n   \II  \I~ Heart  To  Rbi)7e'  OS.  ll. fR, Rl  TR\ lkwc, 111)1  luh . ...,umrncrO.l. Ul,   L R.  \1(), (D. T~ Bus Rh.k  to ( omp  TCB'. \ IIJUJ   l)anccn lor lhJh \  boo;
                                              04  pnng Oreal 04. (b«f\caJmg. \\ \1  I   R.arn. 4-\\  • OJII   for 1 .re•  '-!upr B•)Q
                                                                                    \harita P  \k(  lull
                                                                                    1>08  1.()   7
                                                                                    P08  t   .e( II~. H
                                                                                    f  vorn.e \..Jng   \11  'ou"
                                                                                    ,....,., Quote  "lf)'ou gono don, don.,. theo"
                                                                                    -\ ... -comphshmcnts
                                                                                   9th  T  ''""" m ( 1uldml  llobtsiUp "'"""·A 8  tlOOOJ Rol~ l'q> (]ub  \\ M
                                                                                    lOth   .monaJ  II•Jnor   let),  o\. U If,.,.. R  II
                                                                                    lith   .wonalllt.-.or  X"lcty, JunKJI' Ctub. A  R  lltlrlOr Roll. II( 'I student   l  I
                                                                                    lllh  IIOS  . '="ary 01  110'> '· '8 Honor Roll
                                                                                    \1Cfnl.ll"1   Da Comer, 81 DR()( K.  \t-\ R.  I HOP.  9 1704.1>-  c.-on,  the\\ M  ll  ptaehic
                                                                                    DaJX   the gym, 1  c J.  1.  \\  courtroom, the thrtMdo\t.'ll,.  R1~ohn1 by dl rar\ & da •
                                                                                   Kn  ten  l\nn \1dtl
                                                                                   D08  o·.()J . .,
                                                                                   PO 0  Jad. QMik. Fl
                                                                                   fe,ontc  •llll  •·tns"· ~Goo Dol
                                                                                   f;a,"Ont.e  QuNC"  •·1  do noc  h\c up to this wortd c:"Cpcc1<1;1.1   oor do I ~peel &he v.orkJ 10   up
                                                                                   wmm.e .. ·fltzPnt
                                                                                   Yth  llonor Roll.  -\~.:admu ...  Lctfl'l', ( J rant Place State:  · lndn. idua1
                                                                                   lOth  .  ~1c leiter.  a11onal  Hooor   'let). Sp;uush Club, Key<. lub.
                                                                                   lllh  -\.:adcm1c L..cttcr,  K.ry (lub   :Mi&f). \pam  h Club.  '\  1  Wit  ( ditor-Pnn
                                                                                   12th  1\.C')  Uub   :n'tar). JourllOlh~ S"'CC'theart. Pnnt  f.d1tor
                                                                                   \1emon   lulll.:he$ w  \18 &  \1ath C   Summer R&.R. ~"' 1\.\.  ltUil1Qr\C"S. Prom.
                                                                                   ICing,·  B halL  kam l  Fun  t1me-.v.  1\.P.  '\c,  ~1(. \B.J\:0, Jll. \\D. Rll  1\.&1\.1.  Bl4(}<
                                              \1.tUOf)  Anne LeBlanc               \mtles..  l;unpa  o l· Turns,  ~11lnt"  lk)UK. BJIIIH  4-r ,cr, llalluv.  n  1de  tk-,v.;
                                              l)()lJ  11-I'Pib
                                              PO 8  Ja~.:~~Jfl\lllc, f1            J-.:  1ca  \tnblc)
                                              h\'onlc \ong  ·Don't '\,._ \1c  u Quc\11on  ••  I )'tl)Td '-,lyn)Td   [)() 8  q.lJ.~6
                                              lavontc ()\A•tc  "''The thinK t  ..   PO I>  Gamc~\111-.:, 11
                                              AIXOI"'lpiLJhmcnt5                   la\JI11C\t!f1g  .. 1»..~  1)  B   thA  )•J  JcaStmpson
                                              9"- r &Jttt"ttn. ~oipran•sh club     I iili\'OI'IIC  Quol~  It ami my  lauh
                                              I~ ( aptJJn J\  T   liS.  lntnac1 \wden.l ( ouncll Rc."J'   '\c  omphthmcnh
                                              ll .. lL\arsrtyT~  ll"t              Olh('horus
                                              12"- ( apum \amty To,.mt   Onl) ..... ,. Ooe Class   (liS   IO!h:('lloruo.l"'   I(  Tn:ading
                                               1cmon   lcttetn   luhiiAgua. .. Ro.dlnPI"'-nh  P)Cah  LR.Ha!Jc.   04.T'tE  I'   lith: P....d f( ·\T  \t.dh
                                              \\ani!'( II<><  TOim&  II~ twf)"'l>m:   12th:(iraoJ .......
                                                                                   \'cmoncs  -\II the cnzy limn v.•lh L)lldsey and 1\.d, O.tdt and  l   e  1ont;omer)'  K   0  9-
                                               lben  =th  Ln                       0J  l..M. '-<ntor ,car, Piipl, 1\.atte·bq m;1 D.d Ktn
                                              1)08  Q6.()(>.'
                                              PO 8  a  sonvdle  FL                 I rudy  R= \iobley
                                              la\'OI'Ite "-IIIP  'Real\\ lifkr  \1.ucbbo:\ 20   I>OB  9-1~·~6
                                              Favonte ~c .. 1 'CI) man d1   \CI')  frw  rc~ll) InC' ..   POD  Ll  c(ll,, Fl
                                              "   lphdunmt                         hvume Quutc  · \n) thma )OU do make Aln' )OU do 11  bta. \\ell do •t  b•J tben
                                               ...,...,..1\IO!Jrirst}earCllpuhlu:  hool   .-\ccomphshmcn
                                              12  ()ual.lnrollmmt                                                 lit year
                                                                                   Qtb: Got promolcd to tht tenth &rade  Be an Athlete Tra1ncrw  the FootNll Pla\c
                                              1cmonn.  The ~-tm-enttOn of ramt balhng. 2 00 ~ o\chmtun:s m the mlp&la.  l r•phany •1th   aport off(( LA
                                              lbe I (PD. The hwltcd school, hangina: out"' •th I h. Pll  BR .LS, D~. -\.L. B~. and the moo   H)th   onJ. )ear apart of FCCLA &  F.arty  ch1ld hood education. IN promoled to the ck""Yelllh
                                              man  20 Pt:  -,pic m the A  TRO  81IT  \\1!" are done   p.te. Hclp1ng 001 on the f1cld  V.lth  the  fOOtball  Players
                                                                                   lith  TJurd )car apart ofF<.( LA. 2ndyearm l.ari) Childhood~ lfdpina:OUI oatbe
                                                                                   fOOlbelt   an Athl&- Trama:
                                                                                   \tcmoncs  E.vcn thouJh I m read)  to lca\t this  ·hool I'm DOC to k2ve the people here  I
                                                                                   ble the shout out to my C"W'  \t  Sm1th for bcmg ~ v.."bcn  I  nn.'Ckd her lbc most. 'oo k.
                                                                                        1 1 ,  And I would hL.c  to Jn't' the btp  tlhout out to my  Btgest lnlptr.mon my
                                                                                   who you bc '
                                                                                   O. .. autra (nhson  I kn.  c o 2U05 ""Ia\ e  pcac~ and ha•r1:rcase ..
                                                                                   lillllC1  \klrpn
                                                                                   [)() 8  11-17···
                                                                                   PO B  laLc( It).  fl
                                                        mer cuhm. (  (   beach fros pond,  B1rley  ROIId,  Road  lnp   h\ont~ \ong  '"'"(  ould be nt\t" by  l1l Boos1e
                                                                                   I iili\~Jr1h: Quote  ""I  '\tarch fur the aood 10  ~CJ)1htng I can. th.ank  lh( L vrd lor hurd tunc  C01UIC
                                                                                   they made me a man "
                                                                                   A~:c<lfTIJ'IIl hmc:nh
                                                                                   'I"  l'<p (  luh
                                                                                   '""  l'q>cluh
                                                                                   II._ \anny Jootl:lall
                                                                                   I~ llead Bu  sa
                                                                                   \k'mOnes  Late n.Jh! murc-k. m1  10M, the ~he. . the bucl   the  ltlm. way way out there a.
                                                                                   anolbtt l~el ~ d;Jw  keep II n:aJ
                                                                                   Joshua  1<:nts
                                                                                   DOD   -12..S7
                                                                                   POB  """'-florida
                                                                                   l iYOnl.e 'ana  "")v.ut I(IX1lC'   twna
                                                                                   lawnte Qul..•te  .. The world doe!.n't owe you anytlung •
                                                                                   ~ J \  football. \\~-ighthA.Ulg Team
                                                                                   106- J \  Football, \\C1idttltfung Team
                                              .unLiz-                              11•  \   1)  f-ootball,\\  tghthtlmg Team
                                              008  I  29·"i7                       12•  \\i:i&hthfunp: Team
                                              PO 8  Lal  C1tv.  f L                \.1C'tJ10neS   C\ct rcgrtt~..~na: an}  momcot  (II  h1gh-school The few  \'tan offootball (.  \t JR.
                                              fiMXlle ~ :s.a .. c allozx ndc :\ (CM"boy"' b)  811  nd R1ch   RB.  TR, JP. .-\(  fln1 car."  tghthfhng. OUI  whaa lugb--Khool•   hkt:   boot
                                              fi"\Ulte Quc.•lc  "''DD: \\ Jf"IJ. One l..ol.-t""  b) Bob \t.arlcy
                                              A.:comphshmeu                        ("hrilbnc"\1·~
                                              12"-  81l<JIIOfRoll                  DO B  0""-31·86
                                              \lcmone$  l'q> <allyl. Put•   toolholl -  noo buildmg. """""""'   bon fire  llmgma:   PO B  -\lachul Vmenl Hosp•tal
                                              out with fnC'ads., Prom. (1011\J to the nwr. 4-""IY   Fa1.-ontt ".lng  ·sweet~ (tJmt.,.,·'.Budd) Jev.  l
                                                                                   f~ Quot.:  ·.4.00   the way the~ crumb!  "
                                                               \f                  "-~compllSbrncnu
                                                                                     '\..::adcnnc leuer, Perfect  twnd.ance,lloaorrull. BJ  T-\  leo. \anuyknermiOCCCI"and
                                              Uia  l..t
                                              DOR  0~·27  ;                        IC1'  \c..admuc lctt~T. honor rvll.  ""· 8da. ( JSA. 1 c:o. \araty letter m   en and tmrus
                                              POl>  r>euo11                        II._  \cadc:maclc:Ucr,llonor roll.  'liS secret:~(}. Beta.(. J"A  I et).,  lnt'-"tt!Ct. <•1rl  '-!  te  (
                                              Fawnte '-tunz  ''(>vet   (her ·'dl) A  I 1m  \1~,;grav.   P!  ttk.'tlt  \artilY letter 1ft   l(lef and  IC'MIS
                                              fa\'OI"'tt Quvl  Keep dose to the Lord and he  \Iolii  L.ecpyou happ)   2   liS. Uc:ta, ( JSA,  lntcr.a ... t.  l\ Pnkl~.~~,;hon, SADD. (las  Prc!ii(k;nt.  \;anaty ( het.·rl  Jcr
                                               tXOmpl•,hnu:nt!l                    U  I  II  Around ISupcrlati\C)
                                              Ylh·llorklf Roll. S\\.'\T  l rc1ohmcn  (   ( lub.  P~rletl Ancndann:   '\kmotl  .TinlC\V.IlhthcBAC\US.BB  AD,(  \1,(  S,&.S0.4·WI)'  \\aljJrttns.
                                              IOlh  JlllmJr Roll. S\\ '\1.  SADD,  lntt,....t. S\\.'\1  \W'CCtheart. S\\AT  Pres   humeconung. prom. I(  1ft8lo.:eyll,  tht n,cr,  t  Auto:u.,tmc  Krystil  , BlJmp,ICUinl[  tlkl  1 I  \\
                                              lldt  II<JOOr  Roll. S\\AJ. Jumor (   (luh, lX  I   (  S   muruna m m1-.  mat ... h A 0. (.  S. \1.,.  B-Oa), l>«t-  R1\c:r  \•:ao   , \\ I  P() [  II  0
                                              lltb  JI,JOOr RoH.   !1UOr Clus Club. IX  I   r<
                                              t.:mon   JU, J  1. J\t  M<  J  . all the poar11a and all of my  fnend:J through they   I l..Q\
                                              'ou Jason, I l..<JI'Ic 'au  Morn
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